Serissa wrote:
Astarael wrote:
Someone should make "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" into an email address and see how many emails actually get sent to them. It is such a cool word, but so harsh to those who suffer from it
I'm naming my first child Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, I think. "Dale" for short.
Actually I think it was sesquipedaliophobia originally. A "sesquipedalian" means simply a long, polysyllabic word. I don't know why they had to add "hippopotomonstro-" to it. "Monstro" may come from the Latin, "monstrum" that means monster. But "hippo" is greek for horse, and if they meant hippo
potamus, then they've changed the
a to an
o in the "potamus" (river) for some reason I can't discern (maybe to join it to "monstro-", yet it should have been "potamo-" and not "poto-"...yes I am obsessing). Anyhow, go fig.
It's probably a joke that caught on.