Just love that post. It's so eloquently stated. I don't have a wide range of emotions either; content, annoyed, frustrated, dull. That's about it. Sometimes I can get really angry, but not often; Ditto for really happy.
What helps me is that I know that God made me just who I am for a special purpose. He made me, set plans for me and has given me everything I need to succeed. I just have to accept that and do next thing. This gives me stability and the knowlege that ultimate success will happen regardless if I fail today. Most of life isn't the achievement, but the learning; i.e. failures.
I rebelled against this for years but now I've learned that resistance is futile.
"Honey, would you buy me some boobles for my 40th b-day?" "No way, they're too expensive. Your own baubles will have to do."