I so need help with my 16 year old aspe!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !
i take milatonin but it dosen't help aney more. i ask my mom if she can find out about the root thing.ty for posting.by the way this is the 3'rd time i ask but i whant 2 know why i rock back and forard.my mom says it help me calm down but i don;t know how it would.and i have 2 go to bed at 11:00 sharp.ttfn
player of runescape and kings of chaos.
First, I would like to know why creator is on antipsychotics. Depression, racing thoughts, other comorbid diagnoses with the AS?
From creators post I do thing the racing thoughts are a problem, although his doc and mom would know better.
Trazodone is a good antipsychotic at high doses; at low doses, about 200 mg/d, it helps with sleep onset, and is an adjunct for depression meds where the first med creates insomnia.
Most teens would prefer to stay up til 2 am and sleep til noon. It's a hormonal thing...really. Sleep patterns change to an 'adult' pattern usually in the 20s.
With creator, Kem, see if you can get his classes moved to later in the day or a tutorial.
FWIW, I didn't take a class before 10:00 in college until my fourth year, and even 10:00 was too early for me.
Murphy was an optimist.
hi been reading the posts on the bathing issue...have an idea that hasn't been mentioned yet... am not sure that this is what's going on but it's an idea. sensitivity issues are suppose to be part of the AS. sensitivities such as to textures of clothing, food, smell etc... some are hyper sensitive or hypo sensitive. if they are hypersensitive like my daughter, then getting into the shower/bath is an issue. they don't like the change in temperature and the feel of water on the skin. i've heard from other aspies that they have the same issue or used to have it when they were younger. same with the difficulty in putting socks and shoes on, wearing rough clothes like jeans etc. some report to have these symptoms, others don't. it's definitely not an 'excuse' as to why they may not want to bathe and keep up on hygene...it's a real problem. our pediatric OT was the one who explained to me why my daughter would have meltdowns over taking a bath. i liked reading about the idea that they aren't sensitive to other people and can't perceive that they smell. never thought of it that way. any questions on the sensitivity issue, search on the net for Sensory Integration Dysfunction...there is a lot of information about it. definitely not looking for excuses for my kiddo...want her to fit into the 'norm' as much as possible! good luck to you.
softie ~ a bad day at the beach is better than a good day at work ~
I'm fairly positive I've read in several locations that bad hygiene is a trait of aspergers. And additionally I'm speaking from experience because our daughter, 15 still struggles with her own personal care.
Like any asperger trait, I'm sure it does not arbitrarily effect everyone who has aspergers. The thing to remember is that someone with aspergers does not care that the things YOU think are important are important at all. They think that whatever they are currently obsessing about (anime, harry potter, lord of the rings, etc etc etc) is THE most important thing in the world to them. They could not care less about anything else.
Our daughter has extreme difficulty grasping the concept of why its even important at all to keep good hygiene. Even though her face may be breaking out, she has B.O. and her hair is standing straight up in the air - - she doesn't care. However she's hurt and asks us "why" when other kids make fun of her because of her poor personal care. She doesn't seem to be able to put 2 and 2 together and realize she needs to take care of herself a little better.
ny, i can certainly identify with you...we struggle constantly with the bathing issue. the worst is when it's 'that time of the month' and i try to help her understand that it's even more important to bathe regularly...she just can't get it together to do it....no matter if her sisters tell her that she smells. she thinks that they are just trying to pick on her for no reason. sticker charts etc hasn't worked yet. her behavior and the bathing are areas i'm concerned with most these days.
softie ~ a bad day at the beach is better than a good day at work ~
softie I don't know how old your daughter is but mine is 15 and I must say things have gotten better in the time since she hit puberty (11-12). I have to admit that its been my wife whose done most of the work in that department. She just sat our daughter down and had several long talks about hygiene and why it was important. One argument that helped out the most is that we told her "if you don't want to get picked on by other kids at school.... " then pay attention to your hygiene. The whole subject of kids with aspergers getting teased at school is a WHOLE other subject but our daughter has definitely experienced that kind of thing.
One way that we've got her to be a little more socially aware of herself is we tell her it'll help to prevent teasing.
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