I am starting to come to terms with the fact that I am a gay aspie and I was wondering if being both makes it a little easier or double as hard in peoples opinion. Like am i up against alot more for being both or will it make it easier to have a relationship because of it?
Actually...I wouldn't necessarily say it's harder. Hang, let me just throw out the ideas of "hard" and "easy". Being gay, for me, has always been wrapped up in a load of paranoia and hesitation. But when somebody walks into GSA or the local gay bar, everyone has that to some extent. the world is a f****d up place for gays.
However, I don't really know how to say this. It's that I've found, in the gay community, it's more acceptable to be awkward. To be, as I am, a little bit...off. Also, the gays I hang out with are more into questioning social norms, so I fit in better with them. The expectations are different. Looser, broader.
Is there a such thing as an easy relationship? I don't think so. But I will stand up and say that you can make it work. I've been with the same woman for a year and a half, and she gets me in a way I didn't think was possible.