Hi! I live in West Texas, and would be glad to hook you up with some local information. Just PM me.
I'm not in Austin, but I have to say that compared to what I've read from parents in other places, I've had little to no trouble with the schools, they have been very accomodating.
As far as the state itself, unless you qualify for state aid, you won't get much from them. We do have a couple of programs that sound great on paper, until you sign up. I did last year. Then you find out there's a waiting period. Of 8 YEARS. My son was 10. You do the math. LOL Pretty worthless.
That said, we've not really needed any help outside of what the school has provided. We may be just lucky, I don't know. Our son is 11, btw, just finishing up 5th grade, and was dx'd with AS a year ago.
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