I created a language for us all
Well, lets see here. There are a TON of conlangs out there. Esperanto, Ido, (Klingon- :shudders:) Pig-latin, Teenage NT speak- :shudders: chatspeak, the list goes on. I think this Aspie alphabet is really cool. Yet, the 4 letter rule is not good. I couldn't write poetry if it was like that.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away.
Henry David Thoureau, 1854
j00 f0r607 1337. and Chatspeak is the work of teh devil (as is BBC code. I guess straight HTML isn't good enough.)
I can type fluent 1337. I'm working on speaking it.
I already speak my own languages. I ocassionaly lapse into Ictylan and Archaic.
The problem with that laguage is the letter restriction, and It being based on English. I would like to see some slurs or new combonations.
It also looks firly ugly, and I think it would sound so. Too many 'sps' A language should 'flow' be easy to speak, etc... (unless it wasn't made for the human tounge. Then you're just screwed.
This thread got me thinking...English is clearly overkill for social chitchat, so I've invented a language that more accurately fits the demands of socialising. I'm calling it 'socialanto'.
'Aaaah!' - I love everything you say and everything you stand for. Let's be friends.
'Ooooh!' - I disagree with everything you say and laugh at everything you stand for. I assert social dominance over you.
'Eeee!' - I submit to your social dominance. Please feel free to make fun of me or treat me like some kind of pet.
Typical usage:
Start with 'aaaah!'. If that doesn't work, switch to 'ooooh!'. If that doesn't work, you'll have to go with 'eeee!'
Silences of longer than 2-3 seconds are be interpreted as equivalent to 'eeee!'
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
-- Samuel Beckett