Space Key To Human Survival.
Oh no's, we're all going to die!! ! People who think the world is going to end soon are, quite simply, nuts. It is equally as crazy as saying that Martians are about to invade Earth and enslave us all. It is really quite crazy. But I suppose I should just expect that Christians will believe anything regardless of how ridiculous and unsupportable it is.
I don't believe that Martians will invade the earth, and I'm not nuts. I'm not the type to believe anything, and Christians don't believe in ridiculous things. I don't know when the earth will end exactly, but if you were to believe that people were nuts to believe the world will end some day, and you say that the earth will end some day, then you are just as nuts as you say Christians are. I don't believe in a lot of things scientists believe in, but I believe that there are a lot of things that take way more faith to believe in than Christianity. If you were to say that God were an imaginary figure or a fraud, why would men punish themselves? Would men be smarter than themselves? If Man were to get whatever they wanted because they prayed it, then I don't think the world could exist anymore because how many malicious things men want. How could men have created the earth? How could trillions beyond trillions of molecules just suddenly boom together and then suddenly appears earth and all the complex DNA and all the organisms and then all the complexities of the human brain and then all the complexities of the weather and then all the complexities of measurements, time, imagination, cycles, and the many other complexities of the universe just boom together or to slowly develop over just sitting around for a few billion years? To say that I'm nuts is saying that what lots of other people have to say is nuts beyond nuts. Millions of people have died terrible deaths for their testimony of Christ on the side of that. People back 1000's of years ago, and still today still die for the same exact thing. What is real life to you? Is it pure imagination? Is it pure fraud? Is it a conspiracy? I don't know what you believe in and your stance on life and what you call nuts about Christianity, but in science there are way too many theories and guesses and lots of things not proven yet; more theories than laws. It's too soon to call lots of things proven when they are puzzles fit together by lots of theories. In reality, it takes faith to believe in what I believe in as well as some aspects about science.
I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.
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