subatai_baadur wrote:
The funny thing is that my mother knew the problems. I alerted her to them and chided her for it. And she did it anyway. I consider it as my ace in the hole if I ever go on a bender or something. It's amazing how I am so disorganized in real life yet my mind is perfectly chaotically balanced so that it will continue at a nice pace until something smashes it to bits.
Yeah ... I say that to my mother some times, usually when she doesn't truly understand me for some reason or another ... but, honestly, though, I haven't seen much evidence stipulating that smoking causes AS or ADHD or childhood schizophrenia. It is said to be genetic in factors, and I have seen more reports stating that birth anoxia can cause similar problems, and I had that also. I believe I may have read smoking might lead to birth anoxia, but it doesn't always. So, I don't know if smoking can be a major factor. I think genetics overall can play a major factor. I do think that smoking does cause problems, however. There are reports that it causes problems, but I do not know if they are the AS type.
- Ray M -