Torley_Wong wrote:
I hope they speed the interface up. I'm a mixed platform user but really, the current state of OS X drives me crazy -- even compared to such a veritable hog like Windows XP. I flip back between OS 9 and X on the same Mac and the difference is sooo noticeable. Now, I know, that's kind of like "apples to oranges" and they've already optimized some speed since 10.2 Jaguar, but they still have a long way to go in my book. There should at *least* be options to turn off more eye candy like XP gives you a choice to. Zoom effects get redundant after awhile and you know what you wanna do with that window and where's it gotta go! Haha
Well what kind of mac do you have? Because on my new powerbook everything is zippy and snappy like it was on OS9 when I got my old mac. Transparent windows, video, expose, all that flies.
These new macs with fast graphics cards and quartz extreme have improved a lot.