Gonna have to go with the Beatles here... The Kinks are a classic group. They wrote some great stuff and had a big impact on the rock world, but I don't see how you can compare the two, really. Pretty much every Beatles song from Rubber Soul on is perfection. The Beatles did everything... they had no limits, no rules. The shattered all previous views of what was possible in rock music. I mean, if you just look at an album like Revolver... The Beatles would be considered one of the best bands in history of they had only released that one album. Thankfully they released several others just as earth-shattering. No one's melodies are more beautiful, no one pushed the studio technology to its limits more. On any given album, one song might be total gibberish, meaningless wordplay psychedelica, the next gut-wrenchingly personal, followed by some of the best straight forward rock of the era. They did anything and everything. Three singers with completely different yet all magnificient voices, the two best songwriters of the twentieth century as well as another competing for a spot in the top ten... They were not only the biggest band in the world from their first album til their last, they were the biggest band of all time from their first album til their last. They took the world by the hand and led it through one of its greatest cultural revolutions. Note the cover of Revolver vs. that of Disraeli Gears... from the Stones to Cream, every musician in the world brown-nosed The Beatles beyond belief, because there was no doubt in anyone's mind that they were the leaders, they were the force that was propelling this great moment in music and cultural history.
That said, the Kinks kick ass. Still, no comparison.