I dont read a lot of SCi-Fi,Fantasy and I cant write fiction well.But,I had an idea that I would love to see someone here write about.
It involves a "synthesis" of different concepts and could go in several directions.
I was imagining a main character who has aspergers.He has had a life long interest in anthropology,world myths and the possibility of intelligent alian beings.(the latter two are hobbies and the first is his profession.)While doing comparison studies of lesser known myths,He discovers some over lapping myths that describe "a time when the living shall out number all previous dead.This time will lead the opening of flood gates were once was only a trickle."These myths discribe an area were "the angles fell but shall be resurrected by the holder of the ASP",there are pictures of a symbol which he recognises as being in one of the tombs that was recently excavated.He decides to visit there on his next vacation and do a little exploring.
To fill in the blanks......He has a bunch or restless "dreams" that will explain the following......
There were beings who landed here around the time of the Neandrathals.They were very intelligent "humanoids" but their senses were so sharp that they eventually left their bodies,which died but there "being" was not extinguished and lived within different things until they became more accustomed to this planet.....ie....they might live in a tree for a thousand years,then a stone.Main principle being,they couldnt access human beings because they had a "sense of self"
.When they tried,it ended up being "classical autism" and the child was killed in primitive times and the "alian being" would have to find another host.Other times the result was an individual going insane.There wee a few evolved earth beings who could tolerate the cohabitation of these beings
(Einstein,Michelangelo)but there was often a price to pay by mixing of these "alien/earth hybrid souls.
Blablabla....eventually the "hero" uncovers evidence of the alien ship under some Egyptian tombs.He
uncovers some of the alien writtings that explains...whatever.He realises that the number of humans who have died are soon to be out numbered by the current population of humans and this will leave open "hosts" with no "beings" that the aliens can now live in without the previous problems.He realises that his role is to help these new beings to understand their true heritage and learn to live in this hostile world until they can grow in numbers large enough to outnumber the current humans.
OK....anyone with out ADHD who made it this far....get busy writing,I would like to read this storey in the next few years>All I ask for in return for your literary success is a free signed copy of the first edition.....thanks.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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