Ependymoma are pretty rare, I would rather be supprised if you knew anything already before reading the link - Even with an interest in human physiology.
The current active one is located near the brainstem and is currently squeezing of the nerve that runs from my right ear to the centre of the brain - heavy hearing loss on the right ear as a result.
Potentially fatal because of the pressure build on the brainstem if it get's closer, I am seeing a doctor tomorrow on potential radiation therapy treatments.
Before this I have already had spinal surgery from the thoracic diaphragm down to the sacrum (sacrum not opened during surgery), radiation therapies and chemotherapies (cisplatin (drip), etoposide (pills), temozolomide(pills)). It has been seven years already, first in the lower back, continuing up to height of the thoracic diaphragm, to the neck, to the brain, and now has returned as one of the two who where active last time.
"It all start with Hoborg, a being who had to create, because... he had to. He make the world full of beauty and wonder. This world, the Neverhood, a world where he could live forever and ever more!"