carltcwc wrote:
If you look at Dr. Aspergers work he originally called the disorder "Autistic Psychopathy" due to the high frequency of conduct disorders and antisocial behavior associated with the original defination. Today's defination does not include this as diagnostic criteria because it was stigmatizing and also not everyone with "mild autism" have these traits. People with classic aspergers (Autistic Psychopathy) had more behavioral problems such as conduct disorder and adhd (then called hyperkinesis). Correct me if im wrong but as far as I remember from reading the original defination, one of the original 4 Autistic Psychopathic patients was refered to Dr.Asperger for hitting another kid with a hammer.
Dude, even if someone disagnsoed you with it they could mess up..
Due to the empathy thing, apparently aspergers is often misdiagnosed with npd or anti social.
(the empathy stereotype pisses me off)