Very interesting idea. It would make an interesting collection of short stories.
Possibly, you could get together a bunch of people and have them write to the same idea - of what would happen in an entirely Aspergian society.
I don't write sci-fi and I have no interest of getting published (I write more as a hobby than much else) but I have some thoughts from my life:
In the summers of 2004, 2005, and 2006, I went to a camp - Camp Kindred - specifically for kids with ASDs. Mostly Aspies, but a couple people with more classical autism as well. I remember that in the 2005 session, we had social groups and heiarchies (I know it's spelled wrong) whose complexity rivaled what existed in my public NT school.
We even went so far as to create a 10-point scale for reputation.
There were prople who came from terrible social "lives" at their former school only to be placed in worse social situations at an a camp of ASD people. A strange irony, isn't it?
I figure that because we were bullied so much in our regular schools, we just wanted to have the feeling of being at the top...
So, as Utopian as it sounds, consider that an entirely Aspie society could fall apart simply due to those reasons...