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16 Apr 2011, 12:07 am

The want for, the yearning for, the need for, I don't know.
All I know is what I yearn for, I need more,
the rush of the drug that leaves you low
and I wonder what this was even for.

The want, yes, opposite of evanescent
With description of feeling, one can never be too pedantic.
Standing near desks under lights of fluorescent
The need, the thought, now, becoming frantic.

The smile and the sapphire-jade spyglass
Inducing a magical hypnosis
This euphoric high, no, it can't, it won't last,
need to escape, need to feel, need to focus.

The inviting sight, which I would encircle my arm
The enticing welcome and smell of the clothes
But it's this strange risk of an abstract harm
That I, that one simply loathes

So I stand back, distant
Distract myself with the ceiling patterns above
Although my thoughts come in an instant
Of how one could express an emotion like love.

Thoughts on this poem?


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16 Apr 2011, 4:32 pm

gailryder17 wrote:
Thoughts on this poem?

Don't try so hard to rhyme. If you find yourself twisting words into shape to make the thing rhyme, stop, and think of some other way to get your point across; don't go with a quick-and-dirty compromise. That aside, it's quite good.

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16 Apr 2011, 4:44 pm

Ambivalence wrote:
gailryder17 wrote:
Thoughts on this poem?

Don't try so hard to rhyme. If you find yourself twisting words into shape to make the thing rhyme, stop, and think of some other way to get your point across; don't go with a quick-and-dirty compromise. That aside, it's quite good.

I do agree with your analysis but since the poet is only 14, it may be a bit harsh.

It reminded me of the poems I wrote when I was about the OP's age: trying a bit too hard to think of posh words to express a simple thing I wanted to say. It's something you generally grow out of, and there's no harm in it. It's fun. :)

It's hard writing a poem about your inside private thoughts and then sharing them with everyone. It makes you feel vulnerable.

Were you looking for a technical analysis on general tips on how to improve your poetry, or feedback on what the poem was actually about and what it made us think? Or both?

I am not really sure if I'm right, but were you saying you feel sort of restless and want to find love, but at the same time you feel it would stifle you because too much intimacy is too much for your Aspieness?


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16 Apr 2011, 4:49 pm

I usually write better without rhyme, but I decided to give it a try here.


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16 Apr 2011, 5:19 pm

There's nothing wrong with writing without rhyme, but if you want to practice, a good way is to summarise to yourself what you want to say before you actually choose the words to say it. Write a plan of the ideas you want to convey, of what you're feeling at the time, and then go about choosing your words, rather than being forced to allow the words manipulate you into changing your meaning just because you couldn't find a different rhyme. Don't let those darn words manipulate you! You are in charge of them, not the other way round! Poems are often like stories: they can have a beginning, middle, and end, and a progression of ideas, that means they keep moving instead of getting stuck.

Alternatively, for something less brooding and a lot more light-hearted, join me HERE to write silly limericks:

Hope this helps! :wink:


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16 May 2011, 12:04 pm

That's a very good poem. I like it. :)

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19 Aug 2011, 1:10 pm

I like your poem very much, thank you for sharing : )