I feel like and think like both Genders.

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11 Dec 2011, 2:21 am

moved from Women's Discussion to LGBT Discussion

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11 Dec 2011, 11:22 am

factotum666 wrote:
look up 2d 4d ratio. Then measure your fingers. I have always known that I do NOT have what I refer to as testosterone poisoning. I am not all that competitive. I think of myself more the Alan Alda type. And my 2nd finger is longer than my 4th

Interesting. My second finger is also longer than my fourth by a good deal. Looking around, I saw one study that made mention of "hyper-masculinization" among some homosexual males (and presumably bi-sexual males, who weren't mentioned :( ) and some studies suggest that homosexual (bi?) males on average have a higher 2D:4D ratio than straight men. So some of that would fall in line with my personality characteristics, but I'm not completely sold.

Beyond that, I'm glad to see this in LGBT discussion. Increasingly interested in bi-gender issues as they relate to my own life.

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11 Dec 2011, 12:11 pm

Catamount wrote:
factotum666 wrote:
look up 2d 4d ratio. Then measure your fingers. I have always known that I do NOT have what I refer to as testosterone poisoning. I am not all that competitive. I think of myself more the Alan Alda type. And my 2nd finger is longer than my 4th

Interesting. My second finger is also longer than my fourth by a good deal. Looking around, I saw one study that made mention of "hyper-masculinization" among some homosexual males (and presumably bi-sexual males, who weren't mentioned :( ) and some studies suggest that homosexual (bi?) males on average have a higher 2D:4D ratio than straight men. So some of that would fall in line with my personality characteristics, but I'm not completely sold.

Beyond that, I'm glad to see this in LGBT discussion. Increasingly interested in bi-gender issues as they relate to my own life.

The digit ratio is simply and indicator of the amount of androgen a fetus was exposed to in the others womb. How it affects the brain is not determined. It could make the brain "more feminized" in a number of ways. In my case, it simply made me less competitive. I just have no need to dominate a situation. I sought an equal in a life partner, not someone subservient. In almost all other ways I am typically male and happy with my body. That said, I suspect that most people who are not stereotypical gender / sex identified will have a corresponding digit ratio.

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11 Dec 2011, 12:17 pm

Lecks wrote:
I've had trouble understanding people who claim to feel like both or neither genders until I realised they're talking about cultural depictions of gender, which are stereotypical and flawed at best. It is impossible to feel like anything except yourself, you may relate to certain archetypes not typically attributed to you because of various percieved characteristics (gender being one of the more prominent) but I don't see how this is in any way remarkable. I only have personal experience and observations to go on but I have never met someone who fits only a single archetype.

Interesting post and probably true for most people. But your statement about being "impossible to feel like anything except yourself" doesn't entirely strike home for people who go through life confused or conflicted about identity. I think the majority of the population operates on a baseline that they work off of .... maybe a little more masculine in some situations and a little more feminine in others. The identity and sense of self, however, remains completely in tact on both sides of the pendulum. But for some, no such baseline exsists. They (we) become the role they (we) are in at the moment. Two personas that share little in common with one another, if you will. Extremely masculine in one instant and extremely feminine perhaps only a few hours later.


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11 Dec 2011, 2:17 pm

Catamount wrote:
Lecks wrote:
I've had trouble understanding people who claim to feel like both or neither genders until I realised they're talking about cultural depictions of gender, which are stereotypical and flawed at best. It is impossible to feel like anything except yourself, you may relate to certain archetypes not typically attributed to you because of various percieved characteristics (gender being one of the more prominent) but I don't see how this is in any way remarkable. I only have personal experience and observations to go on but I have never met someone who fits only a single archetype.

Interesting post and probably true for most people. But your statement about being "impossible to feel like anything except yourself" doesn't entirely strike home for people who go through life confused or conflicted about identity. I think the majority of the population operates on a baseline that they work off of .... maybe a little more masculine in some situations and a little more feminine in others. The identity and sense of self, however, remains completely in tact on both sides of the pendulum. But for some, no such baseline exsists. They (we) become the role they (we) are in at the moment. Two personas that share little in common with one another, if you will. Extremely masculine in one instant and extremely feminine perhaps only a few hours later.

your explanation really does describe me. thank you for that, Catamount.

(about the 2:4 digit ratio question, mine are as close to identical in length as i can accurately measure)

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11 Dec 2011, 5:34 pm

This one really gets, me TBH.

I think most people fall somewhere in the middle of the GI spectrum and that you could justifiably call A LOT of people "bi-gender".


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11 Dec 2011, 5:36 pm

Also, the second part of your post is odd.

If you feel like both, shouldn't you know how women handle their emotions?

I don't know. I didn't actually look to see what your bio sex is.

I am a woman with a low 2D4D ratio which means my brain is "male" so I guess I can't answer the question.


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11 Dec 2011, 7:49 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
your explanation really does describe me. thank you for that, Catamount.

(about the 2:4 digit ratio question, mine are as close to identical in length as i can accurately measure)

Glad I wrote something that made sense to you, hyperlexian. I consistently enjoy the intelligence behind your posts. :)


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11 Dec 2011, 8:05 pm

Catamount wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
your explanation really does describe me. thank you for that, Catamount.

(about the 2:4 digit ratio question, mine are as close to identical in length as i can accurately measure)

Glad I wrote something that made sense to you, hyperlexian. I consistently enjoy the intelligence behind your posts. :)

thank you for that! and likewise.

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