How do you feel?
So, this place seems to be a pretty open community, which is something i'm warming up too. How does everyone feel about their sexuality? Are you comfortable/not comfortable? Have you accepted yourself? Or is it more like "F*ck it, I am who I am, and it is what it is" type of situation? I'd love to share stories, and get some insight and opinions from other people.
I am not only comfortable with my sexuality, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Let me give you some background. I was born into a wealthy family. I was educated at a private school. Before the age of 15, I didn't really know anyone who was truly poor. Then I went to university. At university I certainly didn't have an excessive amount of money. I had to live on a budget for the first time, and my parents didn't overindulge me. But my tuition, my books and my living expenses were all paid for either through scholarships or my parents. But many of my classmates came from poor families, where that kind of support simply wasn't an option.
However, even at university I was living in a privileged class. No matter the economic circumstances that my peers were coming from, each and every one of them had every expectation of a professional, middle class career after university.
Then I came out. Now I had a new peer group, composed not just of middle class children, not just of academically gifted, ambitious people, but of people drawn from the true breadth of the community. I began to socialize with people who were poor and trying to make a living on minimum wage. I knew people who were chronically unemployed. I knew people who were in working class occupations and were perfectly content to remain so.
Had I been straight, I might never have been exposed to this peer group. Had I been straight I would probably have married a woman from university (the alumni of my undergraduate school have a marked propensity for marrying each other) and settled into a middle class living with no real awareness of how others have to cope. Being gay has made me much more open to diversity and much more accepting of the validity of people's decisions that they take in respect of their own lives.
Of course, I've had 30 years to come to terms with my sexuality, and my feelings about it today are not the same as my feelings about it when I was a teenager. But here, now--I wouldn't have it any other way.
Uh, visagrunt, technically a doctor would qualify as lower-upper class. I'm not sure what all the levels of pay are, but you'd probably be in the "1%," or certainly the top 10%. Not middle class. Sorry.
OK, that obsessive need to correct is out of the way. I feel reasonably comfortable about my sexuality. My family is fine with it (well, those few that know) and I'm slowly becoming more open about it to other people as well. I do feel frustrated at times though by other things. First, it would be hard enough for me to find a relationship if I was straight. Now it's even more complicated. I've also become more aware of how patronizing society can be towards gays, even if people aren't homophobic. And gay rights become a substantially larger issue for me (although they were always something that I felt strongly about), meaning there is one more thing to overthink and become fiercely idealistic about. Which gets tiring after a while.
There's also the fact that I now start to worry when I try to make friends about whether they'd be accepting if they knew I was gay. It's horrible, but I do have a tend to racial profile. So I'm very cautions of Indians (as in, from India) and those who are middle-eastern. Which I feel rather guilty about because I don't want to be racist and I try to be accepting of diversity. Although I suppose this could be folded into my policy of not being accepting of idiots (which is, after all, what homophobes are)....
Well that's good to hear that everyone one who replied can atleast say that they are understanding of themselves. I'm aware of what I like, i guess you can say that I really don't have a gender preferance, It's basically who ever I think is attractive, male or female. I don't like labels, I just am who i am i guess.
Anyone feel the same?
Anyone feel the same?
That's pretty much where I'm at. I just started dating my first guy though... and this is completely different. I feel so silly. I want to be with him all the time. I think about him when he isn't around. I miss the smell of his hair and skin. I make sacrifices for him.
I HAVE BUTTERLIES IN MY STOMACH! I've never had the butterflies. I've never felt like I was walking on air.
I could lay next to him and watch him sleep for hours! What is wrong with me?! This doesn't happen to me?!
I've never felt like this before and I'm terrified that something will come along and ruin it.
I probably shouldn't even post this here because I'm not exactly anonymous, but I guess I really do need some advice, or just people to talk with, and this seems like the best place.
You may know me from my column here on WrongPlanet. I'm also writing a book for AAPC. Visit my Facebook page for links to articles I've written for Autism Speaks and other websites. ... 8723228267
Well that's exactly why I made this post, I want people to feel comfortable, and feel like they are not alone on this subject. And it shouldn't matter if you're not anonymous, i'm sure everyone here can vouch for you.
I know what that feeling of butterflies is like. It's one of the most amazing feeling on this earth.
One day I hope I can be in a happy relationship, like you, fascinated and all.
There's nothing wrong with exploring who you are. Just do what comes naturally to you, and thus you will be happy. =D
It's actually kinda cool that you can have those types of feelings for both sexes, because that's just how you roll.
If you have any questions, or just wanna talk, hit me up.
I guess he makes me feel... human.
I haven't felt that way in a long, long time. It feels wonderful and terrifying.
You may know me from my column here on WrongPlanet. I'm also writing a book for AAPC. Visit my Facebook page for links to articles I've written for Autism Speaks and other websites. ... 8723228267
Well, there ya go. If he makes you feel happy and human, and makes you feel like you can be yourself around him, what's the harm in that? That's why I don't understand people who hate people on the LGBT community. It's utter BS.
Anywho, Have you always been attracted to both sexes? Have you ever thought about being in a relation ship with a same-sex partner before now?
i'm happy with it now but i wasn't always. when i started liking girls in addition to boys i felt guilty because i thought it was only hormones or a phase and that i was pretending to be bi like those girls that were into experimenting but were pretending to be in a serious relationship and using their partner or like people who identify as bi but then its just a fad/phase and really i was faking it. after a year i made myself let my worries go and just go with the flow and see where it took me. if i stopped liking girls then fine, i wasn't bi but i didn't and it wasn't hormones or a phase apparently. i like being a part of the queer community. i've met so many interesting people and done so many interesting things that made me happy beyond belief because of it.
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