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03 Jun 2005, 6:10 pm

1)...The Question?


2)...Statements by Ghosthunter!

I am nearing a point where I am
making rapid conclusions.

• Monday-Wensday I will be in
Sunnyvale making travel conclusions
when I leave San Francisco.

• Wensday I will make a courtdate
for the "Banner Waving" ticket.

• Since Shami has been relunctant
to give a 3 day notice I have been
given time to see conclusions
safely housed. Upon this notice
I file against him to the labor
board of California. The 3-Day
notice is a validation for my living
there, and he hasn't kept good
records to allow me to validate
my living there otherwise.

• Full full my Banner court date
and make plans for a affordable
place to live for job and school

"I have no love for San Francisco"
and it has been a neccessary
transition burden that has taught
me patience, what I want and
don't want. So it was a neccessary
step to independence from what
use to be home, Sunnyvale.

I have gained the greatest gift
here. The gift of independence
from past ties. If my employer
hadn't outed me out of my
ignorance on autism, I would
still be walking this dark path

So here is to final steps for a
better me!

A Poem wrote:

In deaths pearly gates comes
colors of green, brown and yellow.
And each spectrum of color
ebbs me further into the grays
of change to the white of awareness
that once ebbed into blackness
called ignorance and blindness.

I give my heart freely expecting
to be denied the things I want.
I give my heart freely recieving
the things I need, as such as
nights sparrow has revealed
to me from graves past spent.

I place the gun to my head
and say damned if I do,
damned if I don't. Age has
crept upon me and times
flowing spring will not, cannot

Bless be this child golden of
light and moon. Bless be your
guiding wisdom father skye for
within this child golden, yet
silent comes truth, honesty,
devotion and things often
overlooked by others.

Bless be this child golden for
night moon. Bless be your
guidance and wisdom that had
led me from darknesses journey
to dawns early? or fading light?

Bless be the child who grasps
and upon that trigger lets
the ebbing tide flow the inevitable
one way or another.

I am glum and realize the reason
for this trip to Sunnyvale Monday
to Wensday. It will give me
a sense of knowing preparedness
has been completed in one aspect
of my lifes change.

I will have the foundation of conclusion
form Quizno's part time situation
in due time so I can see affordable
housing, school elsewhere and not
seek dark domains called alleyways
like some scared child.


3)...The Question Repeated!



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04 Jun 2005, 3:30 am


That sad poem could make good song lyrics. A sad song.

A lot of your poems would make excellent songs, because they don't have an obvious meter and they don't rhyme. I hear a heavy droning melody that is dominated by a ridged vocal melody:

In deaths pear-ly gates comes,
colors of green . . .
brown and yellow.

And each spect-rum of color
ebbs me further
. . . into the grays

Into the grays of change,
to the white of awareness,
that once ebbed into blackness
called ignorance and blindness.


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04 Jun 2005, 6:49 pm

Thank you, Freq50

I do play piano, and when I did on
a almost regular basis I could blindfold
myself since I play by sound and heart.

By all means if my poems help you make
a song....GO FOR IT!

I cannot offer people much in life except
a heart that gives, a mind that expresses
and hopefully inspiration that can make
their hearts, mind and music sing and



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04 Jun 2005, 7:34 pm

Ghosthunter wrote:
I cannot offer people much in life except
a heart that gives, a mind that expresses
and hopefully inspiration that can make
their hearts, mind and music sing and


If everyone had this much to offer it would be a much better world!



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04 Jun 2005, 7:45 pm

Thankyou BeeBee! Too bad the
I-Physical world doesn't see it
that way. Hmmmmmm!
