I don't know if bisexual is the best word to describe me, but it fits in a rough sort of sense. I just don't really like labels in general. Plus, it seems like most people who identify as bisexual prefer one gender or the other, or are at least split evenly. I tried to pin down whether I preferred guys or girls for the longest time until I realized that attraction for me is on a completely case by by case basis. I don't care whether it's a man, a woman, or anything in between, if a person is attractive to me, that's all there is to it. I guess if I had to pick a label, pansexual would be the best fit.
Angel_ryan wrote:
I'm definitely Bi and not confused.
My friends know me as a Female Captain Jack Harkness. Best compliment I ever got in all my life.
Makes it difficult to have relationships though. I actually gave up on having real relationships because of my AS. I don't want kids, I like both.
I'm also terrified of getting super close to someone so I'd rather be promiscuous instead. Sometimes I feel very guyish even though I identify as female.

Brilliant picture. Jack Harkness ftw
The idea of a proper relationship is appealing to me, but in reality there are too many compromises, and it drives me up a wall. And even on the off-chance that I do find the "perfect" match for me, I'm worried that I'll get bored. Maybe when I'm older I'll give more thought to it, but for the time being, I'm perfectly content to just sleep around, and maybe have the occasional person I f*ck more than once (for lack of a better term).
"Nice to meet you Rose. Run for your life!"