I try to be myself every chance I get. I hate being someone else. But it is very hard, as a boy, I was told that I had to do certain things, such as wear pants, play sports, or pee on a tree in the forest in order to be a true guy. Now, as a girl, I am told that I need to wear make-up fashionable clothing, and not pick up dead bugs off the floor with my bare hands in order to be a true woman.
I feel like a female, and that's who I am going to be, but why can't I be myself as well? Is it really that much against the "social rule book" to be yourself?
So what if I wear unfashionable clothes, like wearing a granny dress with a boys coat and crocs, and so what if I hate sports, or can't stand make-up. It is my life, shouldn't I, of all people, have a say in how it is going to be?
Makes me think that I should start telling people I am "gender neutral" again... you get rid of all the stereotypes people try to force you into.
I have my own box thankyou! I guess this feeling is normal for keplians...
Aspie score: 164/200
NT score: 60/200
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AQ: 36