not personally LGBT, but Q: James Dobson dating website

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09 Dec 2012, 10:01 am

I have been told that James Dobson (a conservative Christian activist) used to have a Christian dating website that is no longer his. I just looked it up, and I think I see the reason, but I don't see an much of an explanation. A court ruled he must allow people seeking the same sex on his site, sometimes called "gay dating". Anyone know which site it was, and the history of it?


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09 Dec 2012, 11:00 am

Since you asked, Dr. James Dobson promoted eHarmony and huckster Neal Clark Warren on his radio program "Focus on the Family" in the 2000s. (Can't remember exactly when.) Dobson has no other affiliation with them. Dobson is known for this sort of undiscerning promotion of hucksters. He promoted the "Prayer of Jabez" movement too.

At the time, I thought it was funny that Dobson would promote this site, but not sign his unmarried adult daughter Danae up for it. So his promotion was not all that believable.

A made-up "controversy" was created around eHarmony about their exclusion of same-sex couples, but this was little more than the usual tempest-in-a-teapot attempt to get attention. Why gay people would actually want to be scammed by Neal Clark Warren didn't make any sense to me at the time.

Your source may be conflating the fact that Dr. Dobson is no longer with Focus on the Family. He retired a few years ago, and started a competing radio broadcast.

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09 Dec 2012, 12:04 pm

I looked up the e-harmony same-sex thing and wikipedia (maybe not best source) said that they came up with a LGBT spin-off. Do not ask me why they would do that as I don't know. It said that they said they didn't do enough research on homosexual couples and really only knew how to match heterosexuals up. Makes no sense to me, if anyone can make sense of that please tell me how that works out. Then it said they didn't want to do anything illegal :? This information is surely outdated or incorrect because the e-harmony site has a gender option. This is on the .com one too (The one for my country had it too but the country I live in is accepting of LGBT people and does allow same-sex couples to marry so I wanted to know if .com was the had the same option)


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10 Dec 2012, 12:57 am

I can verify that at one point it didn't allow same sex, since I tried to join it a few years back and couldn't.