Urist wrote:
ShyChristianGirl wrote:
She's just so protective of me.
"Protective" is giving her too much credit. It sounds to me more like she had an idealised vision of what kind of daughter she wanted in her head, and anything else isn't good enough for her. That she is more interested in demonising your preferences than supporting you shows a blatant lack of interest in your feelings, at least to me. Don't be ashamed of what you are. It isn't harmful to anyone. Quite frankly, it only affects her in any way because she makes it do so with paranoia and envy I would reserve for my worst enemies, not for my children.
At no point will you be sleeping with your mother, so your sex life has nothing to do with her. If she reacts like that to you being open and honest about your thoughts and feelings, stop telling her. It's none of her business who you're attracted to or who you sleep with or don't.
As for her rigid beliefs and ideals, largely formed by her faith it seems, consider this:
A devout Christian considers him or herself to live a moral & ethical life.
A devout Muslim considers him or herself to lead a moral & ethical life.
Yet either may see the other as doing immoral or unethical things. The Christian may not think much of the Muslim's ways of clothing and concealing their women, finding it oppressive and inhumane. The Muslim may not think much of the Christian's consumption of wine as it is alcohol, an impurity entering the body. etc.
Both lead moral & ethical lives, and both are right to believe so, it's merely that they do so by different sets of moral and ethical code.
The point is that just because something may seem wrong to, or for, your mother or her particular faith group doesn't necessarily mean it is wrong for you as an individual, and it doesn't mean you're sinning - only by others' criteria. If it's natural and acceptable, normal and feels right to you, and it doesn't harm anyone else (aside from their overblown reactions to it as if it has any actual bearing on their lives) then whatever, go with the flow and do as you please. It's you who has to live your life, and your love life, not your mother. She doesn't really get a say, IMO, and to an extent neither do you - you are who you are and you'll be attracted to who you're attracted to, period.

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.