Teenager beats young lesbian to near-death

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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26 Nov 2012, 10:16 pm


Apparently they're waffling on whether or not it's a "hate crime." Really?! What isn't a "hate crime." If you're attacking someone you probably hate them.

Emu Egg
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26 Nov 2012, 11:05 pm

I really wish I hadn't seen that article now. It left me so angry seeing just how ignorant and cruel some people can be.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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26 Nov 2012, 11:19 pm

There was a different article on the same story that said the family of the attacker did nothing to stop it. And they say that we're the ones who lack empathy...


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27 Nov 2012, 6:35 am

:( I get so upset... what the f**k is the purpose of doing such heinous things? What the hell is going on in someone's mind that they make this kind of decision?

We have loads of hate crimes in Texas that aren't prosecuted at such, because it's so impossible to prosecute hate crimes.

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27 Nov 2012, 7:11 am

I think there was a religious motive since it did happen in Alabama. Anyway, whatever the reasoning was is clearly wrong, especially when it comes to religion since all true religious figures taught about peace and love, only the fear-mongers came up with hate. It's sad how society has come to this: where we can't live in peace or love in peace, it's all about the moral or immoral, the good and the evil, it's all about putting hate before humanity! I mean, I don't know if it's the PDD-NOS or the fear, but I've never felt comfortable since my being is so contrarian compared to the rest of society, it's hard for someone like me to "fit in". Like come on, gay and Autistic, it's tough but I guess I should hang in there right? One day, I'll be a lawyer or something of the sort and make sure there's justice for victims of hate crimes so I will have to hang in there!

But meems, let's get at the haters together, I live here in TX too! ;)


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27 Nov 2012, 7:18 pm

This is TFU. If it was another minority there would be outrage. But then this happened in one of the southern US states where 'difference' is a bad thing. Not saying that everyone who lives there is like this before you start just some of the people have that attitude. People just have to accept that there are GLBTIQ people in the world they have always been here and always will be. Get over it. Some of my best mates are gay and I love for who they are and vice versa.

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15 Feb 2013, 4:06 am

People who do those sort of things should really just be glad I don't own a satellite yet.

GAH. I hate it when I read things like this. It just makes me hate humanity even more.


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15 Feb 2013, 6:29 pm

all crimes [demonstrating malice aforethought] against people need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, no matter the justification of the perpetrator of said crimes.


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15 Feb 2013, 6:53 pm

CftxP wrote:
I think there was a religious motive since it did happen in Alabama. Anyway, whatever the reasoning was is clearly wrong, especially when it comes to religion since all true religious figures taught about peace and love, only the fear-mongers came up with hate...

That is known as the "no true Scotsman" fallacy. Plenty of religious figures taught against homosexuality, the Jews, then the Christians, even that a-hole the Dali Lama.


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03 Mar 2013, 11:58 am

This story is beyond tragic, but not surprising considering it took place in the South as gay bashing is a normal occurrence. I want to make it clear before I start my rant that yes! Gay bashing can and will happen anywhere in the nation and in the world. My perspective is that of a Virginian and it is something too easily excused below the Mason Dixon Line. My experience of being Gay and Asperger's in Virginia is that everyday I go out of my house I know their is a good probability that I could be harassed or even remotely attacked. I think a large part of the problem is the churches because they do everything they can to block any hate crime legislation to include gay bashing and preach nasty things in the pulpit to dehumanize gay people. My state is home to Rev. Pat Robertson's 700 hundred club and the late Rev. Jerry Falwell of "Tinky Winky and Bert & Ernie gay relationship fame" who had built Liberty University. These ministers and their non-famous counterparts also are the ones who think Obama was not born in America and wants to impose Sharia Law. These ministers spend their time selling fear to superstitious morons who could not find Europe on a map, and who pour money into the church coffers. A good example is Rev. Robert Jeffress in Texas who is opening a $150,000,000 church in Houston who spends his time bashing gays and the Roman Catholic Church for its wealth; missing the irony of his own wealth and brand new church he built. I belong to the Right Ring Watch website and it will give anyone a good idea of the hate to spew forth from these church groups. Living in the rural areas is not a fun experience, but I refuse to be chased out of this state because I have as much right to be here as the slack jawed yokels that live here. I feel for the girl having been attacked because she has just as much right to love who she wants and live where she wants as anyone else. The sad fact of the matter is it will not be tried as a hate crime because most southern states do not and will not accept gay bashing as a crime.


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03 Mar 2013, 1:12 pm

He should be charged with attempted murder....second degree assault just doesn't seem to cut it, I mean what not even first degree even though it was clearly completely intentional. I just don't understand how someone could do that to someone over their sexuality, I mean what the hell would even be going through someones head.......just pisses me off.

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18 Mar 2013, 6:25 pm

o0Mackintosh0o wrote:
This story is beyond tragic, but not surprising considering it took place in the South as gay bashing is a normal occurrence. I want to make it clear before I start my rant that yes! Gay bashing can and will happen anywhere in the nation and in the world. My perspective is that of a Virginian and it is something too easily excused below the Mason Dixon Line. My experience of being Gay and Asperger's in Virginia is that everyday I go out of my house I know their is a good probability that I could be harassed or even remotely attacked. I think a large part of the problem is the churches because they do everything they can to block any hate crime legislation to include gay bashing and preach nasty things in the pulpit to dehumanize gay people. My state is home to Rev. Pat Robertson's 700 hundred club and the late Rev. Jerry Falwell of "Tinky Winky and Bert & Ernie gay relationship fame" who had built Liberty University. These ministers and their non-famous counterparts also are the ones who think Obama was not born in America and wants to impose Sharia Law. These ministers spend their time selling fear to superstitious morons who could not find Europe on a map, and who pour money into the church coffers. A good example is Rev. Robert Jeffress in Texas who is opening a $150,000,000 church in Houston who spends his time bashing gays and the Roman Catholic Church for its wealth; missing the irony of his own wealth and brand new church he built. I belong to the Right Ring Watch website and it will give anyone a good idea of the hate to spew forth from these church groups. Living in the rural areas is not a fun experience, but I refuse to be chased out of this state because I have as much right to be here as the slack jawed yokels that live here. I feel for the girl having been attacked because she has just as much right to love who she wants and live where she wants as anyone else. The sad fact of the matter is it will not be tried as a hate crime because most southern states do not and will not accept gay bashing as a crime.

I've become very disappointed when I read or hear that churches are apart of this hate. I'm Christian and usually look to fellow churches that they know the word of God, however, seeing that the supposed "followers of Christ" are joining the hate against gays has shot down my trust in them. God is Love after all, not hate.

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19 Mar 2013, 1:08 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
He should be charged with attempted murder....second degree assault just doesn't seem to cut it, I mean what not even first degree even though it was clearly completely intentional. I just don't understand how someone could do that to someone over their sexuality, I mean what the hell would even be going through someones head.......just pisses me off.

What evidence does the Prosecutor have to demonstrate mens rea?
How reliable is that evidence?
Are there witnesses who will be unwilling to testify, or whose testimony will be harmful?
Is there any likelihood that a lesser charge could result in a guilty plea that would spare the victim the need to testify against her assailant?
Is there evidence that has been tainted by investigative misconduct?

It's very easy to play armchair prosecutor when you're not the one who has to figure out what can and what can't be proved in court and what a jury is likely to say about them.



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02 Apr 2013, 1:12 am

That story is so messed up, i know it's older news... yet what surprises me is the gf does nothing to stop the attack doesn't even try to help her gf.
I'd charge the whole family with attempted murder. Pieces of trash