Aspie Obsession With Wanting To Be Different?

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06 Apr 2013, 11:26 am

Are there any aspies out there who have questioned they sexual orientation or gender identity and are not sure where they fit in? Do you desire to be yourself but not sure what kind of self you want to be? Do you friend or follows other peeps on facebook or Tumblr who are gay, trans or maybe androgynous and desire to be like that person? Do you get obsessed with wanting to be like that person who seems very confident being themselves? I've been having these thoughts and Ideas for many years. I'm 37 and sometimes I wonder if I'm too old to be myself. I never had exposure to the internet until I was 22. I definately don't feel my age. I'm subscribed to a couple guys on Youtube that I'm very much inspired by, and sometimes I wish I could be more like them. Here are their channels.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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06 Apr 2013, 3:29 pm

I haven't sought to be like someone because of their sexual orientation but I envie people who are both differnt and confident. Also I never understood the whole headrosexual / homosexual thing. I have been attracted to both men and women and couldn't understand why everyone else in the world thought it was a big deal.

Kate Uher

Author of "The Gifts of Autism, an A-Z" (A children's book)
and "Disappearing Girl" (Another ASD memoir)


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06 Apr 2013, 4:53 pm

What I envy about other people sometimes is their social experiences they've had through the years. I wonder how my life would have been different if I wasn't so isolated from other people, or if I didn't have children so young. It's not something that eats at me, but it crosses my mind occasionally. I think I'd have a very different life, but I'm okay with this one.