I say "kid" because he is 18, and he acts like a ridiculously hateful ten year old from a bigoted home or something.
A lot of people I know and haven't seen for months were going to this gathering in a park, there were about forty people, sort of an art exchange... and NO ONE knows who invited the three guys that were involved in this situation.
No one was doing anything, my friend K is this huge muscular guy, this guy was leaning into his face and screaming "GET OUTTA MY FACE" (that is ridiculous, to lean into someone's face and then tell THEM to back off) and K is such a gentle person and doesn't like conflict and he just was baffled... I mean half of the people there were queer folk and the guy I ended up punching was calling K a fag, some other slurs, some racial slurs, he was drunk, I think.
Anyway I pushed him away from K and leaned into HIS face/personal space and told HIM to back off and he seemed surprised and I was just FULL OF ADRENALINE and I told him I was going to count to three and instead of counting I just hauled back and hit him in the face. He was really stunned and then everyone around us got closer and K stopped this guy from coming toward me(I was pretty sure I was about to get my ass kicked) and the guy's friends pretty much dragged him away and were shouting at me saying they knew my family or something, (riiiiight) and I don't even know. The event kept going but I ended up calling for a ride back to my house.
And I'm just... my wrist is swollen, I think I hurt my wrist more than I hurt his face.
So. That was insane.
And I don't know how frequently in my life I've justified violence as a response to violence, I have been in fights and stuff because I used to hang out with really awful people. Now I end up with crowds of people who tend to be targets of violence in this area.
I don't know. I'm just venting. It was such a non-event to everyone, like everyone there was used to this kind of thing and they just hope it ends quickly and they move on and it's just weird. I would probably back off if a guy got in my face and threatened me or whatever, I would want to avoid a fight... I mean I have avoided fights. I am not tough, I am not strong, I am not very capable of physically protecting myself or whatever.
When I lived in Austin or in the center of Dallas or out of the state of Texas this was NEVER something that came up, violence wasn't something I ever expected... I'm sure this will become a distant memory someday in my near-ish future but I'm struggling with the idea that this place just isn't safe sometimes.