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30 Mar 2013, 1:37 am

I say "kid" because he is 18, and he acts like a ridiculously hateful ten year old from a bigoted home or something.

A lot of people I know and haven't seen for months were going to this gathering in a park, there were about forty people, sort of an art exchange... and NO ONE knows who invited the three guys that were involved in this situation.

No one was doing anything, my friend K is this huge muscular guy, this guy was leaning into his face and screaming "GET OUTTA MY FACE" (that is ridiculous, to lean into someone's face and then tell THEM to back off) and K is such a gentle person and doesn't like conflict and he just was baffled... I mean half of the people there were queer folk and the guy I ended up punching was calling K a fag, some other slurs, some racial slurs, he was drunk, I think.

Anyway I pushed him away from K and leaned into HIS face/personal space and told HIM to back off and he seemed surprised and I was just FULL OF ADRENALINE and I told him I was going to count to three and instead of counting I just hauled back and hit him in the face. He was really stunned and then everyone around us got closer and K stopped this guy from coming toward me(I was pretty sure I was about to get my ass kicked) and the guy's friends pretty much dragged him away and were shouting at me saying they knew my family or something, (riiiiight) and I don't even know. The event kept going but I ended up calling for a ride back to my house.

And I'm just... my wrist is swollen, I think I hurt my wrist more than I hurt his face.

So. That was insane.

And I don't know how frequently in my life I've justified violence as a response to violence, I have been in fights and stuff because I used to hang out with really awful people. Now I end up with crowds of people who tend to be targets of violence in this area.

I don't know. I'm just venting. It was such a non-event to everyone, like everyone there was used to this kind of thing and they just hope it ends quickly and they move on and it's just weird. I would probably back off if a guy got in my face and threatened me or whatever, I would want to avoid a fight... I mean I have avoided fights. I am not tough, I am not strong, I am not very capable of physically protecting myself or whatever.

When I lived in Austin or in the center of Dallas or out of the state of Texas this was NEVER something that came up, violence wasn't something I ever expected... I'm sure this will become a distant memory someday in my near-ish future but I'm struggling with the idea that this place just isn't safe sometimes.

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30 Mar 2013, 1:59 am

Maybe it wasn't the best move from a safety standpoint, and maybe I'm wrong to say this, but I can't help but think "good for you."


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30 Mar 2013, 8:13 am

I agree with mds_02, it probably wasn't a good move in terms of safety, but still, that son of a b***h obviously deserved it. Good for you for standing up for yourself.

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02 Apr 2013, 1:00 am

Given where I come from and how bad things can get, I'm just gonna say that I'd be surprised if you're still posting here in maybe 2 months or 3. From the safety standpoint and the scenario, I'd say you have escalated probability of violence pretty fast and that isn't a good thing at all.


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02 Apr 2013, 1:03 am

He sounds like a meanie to put it lightly who deserved a good sock in the head!


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02 Apr 2013, 12:51 pm

Please don't ever do that again.

You injured yourself, and you put yourself at risk, and then put K at risk when he stepped in to stop things escalating.

No matter how much he deserved it, and no matter how much you were provoked, it's not worth getting yourself and your friends hurt.


Glad he got what was coming to him. :salut:



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02 Apr 2013, 2:49 pm

^ I'm with Vis on this one - I'm glad you did it :thumright: but please don't ever do it again :shameonyou: .

Anyway ... when I get a sprain, I try to get ice on it right away to keep it from swelling. After an hour or so, I'll switch to warm packs to keep the circulation going. If there is still pain after a day or two, I'll seek medical help, especially if there is numbness or a clicking/scraping feeling whenever I move the joint.

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02 Apr 2013, 9:38 pm

I'm reading that it seems most of you stress that meems doesn't interfere when a drunk homophobic/racist guy is screaming in her friend's exactly how else would you handle the situation besides socking a son of a b***h scolding at your timid friend? What, walk away? Pssh.

I'm just saying, the guy (so is told) is most likely drunk and probably wouldn't remember the insident in the morning. Unless of course, his friends tell him about it which, judging by that "we know where you live!" line, sounds like cowards trying to talk tough. Don't get me wrong, life threatening risks shouldn't be taken, but for Pete's sakes people the bastard was up in the guy's face wadya do?!

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02 Apr 2013, 11:04 pm

First thing first: Good f*cking on you! :lol:

Second things: Sometimes as*holes need a wake up call and most won't get it until extreme measures are taken. Sadly most of those will be so stuck in their own ego that even when they get a wake up call they will simply use it as an excuse to be even more of an as*hole. Sadly it doesn't solve anything long term, only in the immediate situation.

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05 Apr 2013, 8:23 am

This guy has retold the story openly on his public facebook, only he said "three black people" attacked him. I was the only one who did anything remotely violent to him and I'm white so... this guy is just... I don't know.

Overall, I think it is pretty much all done and nothing will come of it.

And yeah, I can't imagine I'll do something like that again.

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05 Apr 2013, 9:50 am

meems wrote:
This guy has retold the story openly on his public facebook, only he said "three black people" attacked him...

He reminds me of a white man from Indiana who claimed that three black cops harassed him for parking near a handicapped space, when he actually received a ticket from a white "meter-maid" for parking in the handicapped space.


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05 Apr 2013, 11:24 am

meems wrote:
This guy has retold the story openly on his public facebook, only he said "three black people" attacked him. I was the only one who did anything remotely violent to him and I'm white so... this guy is just... I don't know.

Overall, I think it is pretty much all done and nothing will come of it.

And yeah, I can't imagine I'll do something like that again.

did you post a response on his status update? that woulda been rich. *ahem* "correction good sir, 'twas me that clocked you." :twisted:

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05 Apr 2013, 3:06 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
meems wrote:
This guy has retold the story openly on his public facebook, only he said "three black people" attacked him. I was the only one who did anything remotely violent to him and I'm white so... this guy is just... I don't know.

Overall, I think it is pretty much all done and nothing will come of it.

And yeah, I can't imagine I'll do something like that again.

did you post a response on his status update? that woulda been rich. *ahem* "correction good sir, 'twas me that clocked you." :twisted:

lol while it would be kinda funny, I don't think it's advisable.. nothing good can come of doing that. The guy already made up a stereotypical lie because he was embarrassed by being hit by a girl. Outing his lie on his FB might just make this guy come unhinged and do something stupid in retaliation.

I'm not sure how this thread has to do with anything LGBT related, though? :?

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05 Apr 2013, 3:19 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
meems wrote:
This guy has retold the story openly on his public facebook, only he said "three black people" attacked him. I was the only one who did anything remotely violent to him and I'm white so... this guy is just... I don't know.

Overall, I think it is pretty much all done and nothing will come of it.

And yeah, I can't imagine I'll do something like that again.

did you post a response on his status update? that woulda been rich. *ahem* "correction good sir, 'twas me that clocked you." :twisted:

lol while it would be kinda funny, I don't think it's advisable.. nothing good can come of doing that. The guy already made up a stereotypical lie because he was embarrassed by being hit by a girl. Outing his lie on his FB might just make this guy come unhinged and do something stupid in retaliation.

I'm not sure how this thread has to do with anything LGBT related, though? :?

i do not think he can do much at this point. she already has the upper hand, as it were. :D but for legal reasons it might be a bit silly unless she spoke vaguely (or had someone else do it for her, bwahahaha).

if you don't know why it is in this area of the forum, you have not properly read the opening post.

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08 Apr 2013, 7:21 am

hyperlexian wrote:
meems wrote:
This guy has retold the story openly on his public facebook, only he said "three black people" attacked him. I was the only one who did anything remotely violent to him and I'm white so... this guy is just... I don't know.

Overall, I think it is pretty much all done and nothing will come of it.

And yeah, I can't imagine I'll do something like that again.

did you post a response on his status update? that woulda been rich. *ahem* "correction good sir, 'twas me that clocked you." :twisted:

K's little sister did, he just said something about him lying, called him racist and announced it was a white girl that hit him. A bunch of people started ragging on him because he got hit by a girl, some people pointed out he is Latino and thus is incapable of racism(wwhhhhat?) then he made his page private or deleted the status.

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08 Apr 2013, 7:24 am

BUT now we know who he is and where he works and he doesn't know who we are. His twitter has some pretty awful stuff on it(yes, we are cyber.... observing him) and we could easily submit screen shots of his tweets to one of those bigot shaming blogs that outs people using their real identities and posting bigoted stuff online. But those blogs all attempt to contact schools/employers to get people in trouble and we decided against it because it's kind of a sh***y thing to do.

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