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07 Apr 2007, 2:14 pm ... 1139534677

Mr./Ms. Too Much
You scored 28 Points
You may think that you know what the opposite sex wants.... but perhaps you should re-asses that. Can your last date recite what you do, where you're from, the "funny" thing that happened on your way to work that day, and details about 2 or more of your cousins.... BUT you're hard pressed to remember why they just switched jobs? Don't push so hard and relax, people don't want to feel like they're on YOUR schedule and playing by YOUR rules all the time. You feel like a "nice" person because you shower others with your affection, time and gifts... but tune into what others are thinking and feeling. Its not how "nice" you think the thing you said or did was, its is how it is perceived that determines if it is infact "nice" or creepy. Don't over inflate your expectations or try to inflate theirs..... you'll just end up with a balloon that bursts in your face.


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07 Apr 2007, 2:20 pm

Cool Cat
You scored 21 Points
Its important to you to be yourself and not push anyone into anything. Both qualities are honest and fair... but it can leave your potential mate thinking you're not very interested or just biding your time. You are a "nice" person (as in, your mom probably thinks your nice) but you may come off as the "aloof" or "boring" guy/gal if you're not careful. If you are interested in someone, let them in, put yourself out there and go deeper than the surface. Be sure you're doing it in a way that is comfortable for you, but if you never take some risk you'll neve reach your reward.

I'm like an opening band for the sun.
-Pearl Jam

Apathy is not a vice, it is a relieving and downright enjoyable life-choice.


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07 Apr 2007, 2:25 pm

Cool Cat
You scored 20 Points
Its important to you to be yourself and not push anyone into anything. Both qualities are honest and fair... but it can leave your potential mate thinking you're not very interested or just biding your time. You are a "nice" person (as in, your mom probably thinks your nice) but you may come off as the "aloof" or "boring" guy/gal if you're not careful. If you are interested in someone, let them in, put yourself out there and go deeper than the surface. Be sure you're doing it in a way that is comfortable for you, but if you never take some risk you'll neve reach your reward.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Apr 2007, 4:27 pm

Cool Cat
You scored 18 Points
Its important to you to be yourself and not push anyone into anything. Both qualities are honest and fair... but it can leave your potential mate thinking you're not very interested or just biding your time. You are a "nice" person (as in, your mom probably thinks your nice) but you may come off as the "aloof" or "boring" guy/gal if you're not careful. If you are interested in someone, let them in, put yourself out there and go deeper than the surface. Be sure you're doing it in a way that is comfortable for you, but if you never take some risk you'll neve reach your reward.


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07 Apr 2007, 4:33 pm

Mr./Ms. Too Much
You scored 35 Points
