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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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18 Oct 2013, 3:00 am

I don't identify as 100% female. The concept of "womanhood" is something I don't identify with, and I dislike my feminine-looking body. But the problem is... I'm attracted to males only, and I'm worried that if I came out to a guy about my gender identity, he'd reject me for not being a "true female". So is there such thing as a sexuality where the person looks past gender completely and likes a person for who they really are, or is attraction solely based on gender?

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Blue Jay
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18 Oct 2013, 3:10 am

Pansexuality covers what your talking about, A pan-sexual is attracted to people of all gender identity's. I myself I'm a asexual pan-romantic, so there are definitely plenty of people out there who don't base love on what gender you are :D

I Hope that helped you.

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18 Oct 2013, 3:12 am

Some guys are into girls who don't act all girly or identify as womanly. Just be yourself and I'm sure the right people will be attracted to you.


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18 Oct 2013, 6:23 am

I might be kind of similar to you, Yayoi.

I am female, and prefer males, but I am 97% not into acting anything feminine style, and I dress mainly masculine/androgynous, have a natural "man walk", and like fitness to the point that is makes me muscular. When I was young it was hard to find guys who liked athletics freaks like me and did not prefer the superfeminine types. My autism also detered guys, probably even more than my unfeminine looks.

I hope you find someone, Yayoi.

Sea Gull
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20 Oct 2013, 12:34 am

stabilator wrote:
I might be kind of similar to you, Yayoi.

I am female, and prefer males, but I am 97% not into acting anything feminine style, and I dress mainly masculine/androgynous, have a natural "man walk", and like fitness to the point that is makes me muscular. When I was young it was hard to find guys who liked athletics freaks like me and did not prefer the superfeminine types. My autism also detered guys, probably even more than my unfeminine looks.

I hope you find someone, Yayoi.

You sound awesome, like the exact type of person I'd like to be around! Seriously, it's great to see a kindred spirit here. I'm not so much of a fitness freak, but am dreaming of taking up a martial art like karate or tae kwon do one day.

What makes it even worse is that I have no romantic feelings towards guys of my own race and prefer Asian guys, who do seem to be raised with those really strict gender roles. But maybe one day I'll find one who truly does prove me wrong and likes people for who they are, not the way they identify/act/dress.

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Tufted Titmouse
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20 Oct 2013, 1:58 pm

without even reading the post, I'm going to answer yes, it exists.

now I'll read it, brb

I've read it, and decided I can keep my answer just as it is.

sorry I can't offer much more of an in depth answer right now.


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22 Oct 2013, 6:48 am

Yayoi wrote:
stabilator wrote:
I might be kind of similar to you, Yayoi.

I am female, and prefer males, but I am 97% not into acting anything feminine style, and I dress mainly masculine/androgynous, have a natural "man walk", and like fitness to the point that is makes me muscular. When I was young it was hard to find guys who liked athletics freaks like me and did not prefer the superfeminine types. My autism also detered guys, probably even more than my unfeminine looks.

I hope you find someone, Yayoi.

You sound awesome, like the exact type of person I'd like to be around! Seriously, it's great to see a kindred spirit here. I'm not so much of a fitness freak, but am dreaming of taking up a martial art like karate or tae kwon do one day.

What makes it even worse is that I have no romantic feelings towards guys of my own race and prefer Asian guys, who do seem to be raised with those really strict gender roles. But maybe one day I'll find one who truly does prove me wrong and likes people for who they are, not the way they identify/act/dress.

Cool. I don't seem to find many people like me anywhere. I think I am part of an extremely rare breed. More often the rare people who are not dudes who outwardly look like me are butch lesbians. I don't think I am lesbian. I don't care what race a guy is. I'd mainly care about his personality, dependability and loyalty stuff like that which are necessary for someone like me who isn't liked by much of anyone.

Sea Gull
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18 Nov 2013, 2:30 am

aside from a few biological differences, gender traits are mostly culturally (socially) determined. Most people I know on the spectrum do not perform their gender roles according to the rigid social binaries of "straight / gay" "masculine / feminine" "single / couple", choosing to be eg, bi, polyamorous, pansexual, sapiensexual, androgynous, tomboyish, queer, non-straight etc etc etc. Show me the contract that says one must be 1000% femme.

rejoice in your being, celebrate diversity!


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20 Nov 2013, 7:38 pm

As a straight male, I could (can't tell for sure of course without actually knowing you) still be attracted to you, as long as you were sexually female. Physical attraction is based purely on sex for me, but outside of that I wouldn't care if someone completely breaks gender stereotypes.