Ganondox wrote:
rvacountrysinger wrote:
But Rap and Rock music sound like primitive noise to me. I dont understand why people like it.
Funny you say that because technically speaking there is nothing primitive about the sounds in Rap or Rock, they are dependent on modern technology. The only primitive thing about them is they have roots in African rhythm music, though a lot of Rock has ditched those roots, and Rap is sort of it's own thing. Anyway, there is nothing in Rock that is more primitive than anything in Country. Country is a form of Folk music at art, which is regarded to be the most primitive form of music. Call Rock and Rap noisy or unruly, but technically they aren't primitive at all, not that there is anything wrong with being primitive.
Anyway, there is some Country I like, mainly stuff in the realm of Bluegrass or that's somehow been mixed with Rock, but for the most part I just don't find it very interesting, not stimulating in any way, I really don't like the sound of Southern Drawl, and modern crap like Taylor Swift is just plain awful.
You confuse simple with "primitive". They aren't the same thing. Rock music at least has some melody, but rap has hardly any. Country has basic melodic structure and chords which make music. And even then, there are some riffs in Country guitar and fiddle that are not simple or easy to play as people might think. I mean Rap and Rock are primitive because they sound like noise and they aren't pretty or easy on the ears. Its all about beats and such, which is not melodic or nice sounding.
Its funny you mention Southern drawl, because most Country Stars today are not from the South, they are faking. Thats why it sounds bad. I have a Southern drawl, but when I sing most people can't hear it, because I don't fake it. Its part of me. Im sorry you dont like Southern drawls. Frankly, northern accents sound a lot worse to me. Northerners speak really fast and through the nose and really like jack hammers. Not soft and lilting like we do here in Virginia.
Taylor Swift is really not that bad at all. Id take her any day over the primitive, hideous noise they call Rap "music".
Actually YOU are confusing primitive with simple. Primitive doesn't mean something is bad or uncivilized or harsh, it means it's archaic in form, similar to ancient things in structure. Don't use words you don't know what they mean. There is nothing inherently bad with being primitive, get that out of your head. Anyway, most Rock music is significantly harder to play than Country. While some Country is complex it's generally a fairly simple form of music. Also, you don't know much about Rock, because it's completely based around melody and chords, not beats.
Also, I found Rock much more pleasant on my ears than Country, just as I prefer Northern accents. It's called opinions.