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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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23 Nov 2013, 1:04 pm

I'm gay, but feel slightly androgynous. I don't identify myself as transgender. I have considered myself cis-male in the past while gay. I never considered myself truly femme and I try not to be femme. However, one of my friends who knows I'm gay said I sound fairly femme. It sort of makes sense now. I never want to be femme and I'm not transgender, but I feel as if some of the male inside of me is also female too. I feel some female characteristics inside of me.
Does anybody else feel like this?


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24 Nov 2013, 6:54 am

Yeah, I'm female but I feel like some percentage of my mind/identity is male. I look like a woman and my partner thinks of me as a woman. I have trouble explaining that mentally and emotionally, I'm not 100% woman. I've always known this, but post-puberty, it's taken me a long time to really come to terms with. I guess the most important thing is that I know what I am.

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Blue Jay
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24 Nov 2013, 9:39 am

Yes, I'm male and although not trans, but do have some female characteristics inside of me.


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07 Dec 2013, 1:23 am

Marylandman889 wrote:
I'm gay, but feel slightly androgynous. I don't identify myself as transgender. I have considered myself cis-male in the past while gay. I never considered myself truly femme and I try not to be femme. However, one of my friends who knows I'm gay said I sound fairly femme. It sort of makes sense now. I never want to be femme and I'm not transgender, but I feel as if some of the male inside of me is also female too. I feel some female characteristics inside of me.
Does anybody else feel like this?

Just be.

The real world is not binary/digital, it is analog.
The perceptions people create of the real world are what are binary.
If you are a male and have feminine personality traits than that is who you are, embrace it.
If you are a female and have masculine personality traits than that is who you are, explore the potential.
You do not need anyone's validation to be you.
You don't need any culture, religion, or nation to give you permission to be you.

Just be... and if the rest of the world can not deal with it, then they can go phrack off.


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07 Dec 2013, 10:45 am

It was funny to be out last night. I was in this club with pyrotechnic burlesque stage act that I didn't watch and most of the girls in the club were dressed up in revealing, painful clothes, whether they had the body for it or not. I was dressed quite elegantly but not very sexily as is usual. I don't like putting on clothes that scream 'sex' unless it's underwear for my partner. I also sometimes wear male clothes. Anyway, I was thinking that one aspect of femininity I lack is the need to be in public wearing clothes that draw attention to my sexuality, not just because most of them are uncomfortable and don't protect you from the British winter but because it's just not me.

As I was looking for women to watch (again, as is usual) I found that my eyes kept looking for girls in shirts and jeans and was actually passing over the majority of corset and stockings wearers. I can admire androgyny in other women, but in myself I've felt it was like a defect and that I should be more feminine. And that in terms of attracting people, I couldn't possibly compete with all those women who are more feminine than me. Or if I wanted to attract people whilst looking androgynous, I'd need to lose a crap-tonne of weight because the only societally approved version of female androgyny is when the girl looks gamine and elfin. But the truth is, if I can admire all sorts of women with all sorts of body types, especially the not societally-approved ones, then I can't be all that defective and ridiculous myself.

I could never work in the non-prostitution bit of the sex industry (I say 'non-prostitution' because anyone can be a cheap hooker) but that's not an extremely bad thing. I guess I'm like some liquor that's a very acquired taste than they couldn't sell gallons of in a bar, but which some discerning person would want in their drinks cabinet. Or maybe my looks and my gender presentation aren't that important in the scheme of things, and society tries to make people (mainly women) focus on them because it sells consumer products like high-heel shoes and handbags.

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12 Dec 2013, 4:28 pm

I'm androgynous/3rd gender. Always have been now that I look back. I don't identify women or men. I can't fit in the binary if my life depended on it and I'm ok with that.

Sea Gull
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09 Jan 2014, 8:55 pm


Just be.

The real world is not binary/digital, it is analog.
The perceptions people create of the real world are what are binary.
If you are a male and have feminine personality traits than that is who you are, embrace it.
If you are a female and have masculine personality traits than that is who you are, explore the potential.
You do not need anyone's validation to be you.
You don't need any culture, religion, or nation to give you permission to be you.

Just be... and if the rest of the world can not deal with it, then they c
an go phrack off.[/quote]

Very well said. And so true^.

If i was to catagorize myself id have to say i feel more mentally male, more emotionally female with gray areas. It seems to fluxuate too, like some days i love being female and other days i feel completely gender queer. I do enjoy being risque when the occasion allows. I will admit..

Q always

Seeing beyond the 3rd Dimension.


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09 Jan 2014, 10:16 pm

Gyokusai wrote:
Just be.

The real world is not binary/digital, it is analog.
The perceptions people create of the real world are what are binary.
If you are a male and have feminine personality traits than that is who you are, embrace it.
If you are a female and have masculine personality traits than that is who you are, explore the potential.
You do not need anyone's validation to be you.
You don't need any culture, religion, or nation to give you permission to be you.

Just be... and if the rest of the world can not deal with it, then they can go phrack off.


I'd guess leaning totally to one side or the other would be more of a rarity, but it's hard for me to tell. I'm not huge on classifying characteristics as specifically male or female, and I do think of these definitions as constantly evolving. I don't agree with Sweden's answer though, because we should embrace difference while recognizing the fluidity of sexuality, instead of ignoring it altogether.