Hi. I'm new here, and a self-diagnosed aspie woman. I'm looking for women to date, and/or become friends with. However I'm lost on initiating conversation.......I've tried the "hi, how are you," the whole "what's up tiff...." and that ends fairly quickly. I've been thinking of just being blunt with a "hi, I'm interested in getting to know you better how about it?" to woman i don't even know....... but that might produce the image of me being a creep/creep~ee->(my word for female creeper) which I'm not. I've been working on softening my blunt speech but it seems like beating around the bush to me although I know I need to do this to fit in, respect others feelings and not hurt them as well as present myself appropriately.
Usually when I try and type 'normal' messages I over think and I spazz out and become frustrated....Right my main issue is I want to find a woman to date and/or be friends with and do what female friends do together (whatever that is). But don't know how to approach women over the web. I haven't looked in my area b/c what I see there is not what I want. -.-