stardraigh wrote:
'When I have X event occur, I let Jesus take the wheel' or a more direct in the moment version is just saying, 'Jesus take the wheel'
It's not directly related to soldiers, but it's similar in referring to a person doing something and letting the deific force, in this case Jesus, guide or do something.
It sounds good enough but I think there might be another sentence with similliar meaning (although I can't think of any atm - English is not my national language, Polish is). The Jesus thing sounds more like "Niech Bóg ma cię w swej opiece" - "May the God take care of you" or "Niech się dzieje wola nieba (z nią się zawsze zgadzać trzeba)" - "Let the will of Heavens occur (you always have to agree with it)"
The solider and God thing you say when you want to tell: "You can't always be sure what will be the result of your actions", "Not everything can be under your control", "You didn't mean it but it happend.".
Not when you want the God to decide. More when something unplanned happen.