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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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16 Apr 2014, 8:42 pm


My doctor prescribe to me Risperdal.

But I dont want take it

Have some or your in same situation?


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17 Apr 2014, 1:56 pm

I've taken Risperdal before, and I didn't like it. One of the major side effects is weight gain, and it made me gain 50 lbs in about 6 months! Thank God I had a growth spurt at the time. I'm cisgender, but I don't recommend it to anyone, especially if you are already overweight.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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17 Apr 2014, 9:29 pm

And If you want take antiandrogenes?


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17 Apr 2014, 9:57 pm

Is the Risperdal meant to treat your being transgender?

"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin

Tufted Titmouse
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18 Apr 2014, 9:05 pm

I was in a resource center for autism for a diagnosis. But the doctor knows not people suffering from gender dysphoria and autism. He think wrongly that it is just an obsessive thought. I've already seen several therapists without result and I have enough.
I feel wrong in my body since years, and no one is really comprehensive with me.


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18 Apr 2014, 9:40 pm

pat57 wrote:
I was in a resource center for autism for a diagnosis. But the doctor knows not people suffering from gender dysphoria and autism. He think wrongly that it is just an obsessive thought. I've already seen several therapists without result and I have enough.
I feel wrong in my body since years, and no one is really comprehensive with me.

Ouch. What kind of health system does your country have?

Though I don't encourage it, I was able to force the hormones issue by taking DIY hormones at first.

"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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21 Apr 2014, 12:25 am

I want to be watched by a doctor
and dont make DIY

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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29 Apr 2014, 10:55 pm

If it was prescribed just for the sake of combating transgender thoughts as an "obsessive" problem I think your doctor is fairly ignorant and you have good reason to object to taking it (I'm not eager to advise noncompliance in most cases but I think you should get some second opinions). Sadly many therapists/doctors are very uneducated about both ASDs and GID so it is not too surprising you have had trouble finding a good doctor. I'm sorry you're having trouble though and hope you can find a doctor who will help you with transition properly.

It's a shame more doctors don't know that the co-occurrence rate of transgenderism and ASD is actually higher than trans and NT folk. Given that doctors aren't generally receptive to being taught by their patients I don't know if it'd ever be of any help, but an example of the positive correlation between ASD and GID can be found in the research literature in, for example: de Vries, Annelou LC, et al. "Autism spectrum disorders in gender dysphoric children and adolescents." Journal of autism and developmental disorders 40.8 (2010): 930-936.

When I transitioned I was very careful to have put together and memorized my life story in a coherent way consistent with typical GID narratives (note: all still telling the truth, just being sure to emphasize the right things) so that I was able to effectively present my case to my doctors in a way they would recognize as "valid" (to the medical complex) transgenderism. I think this is an effective strategy for those of us ASD folk who are less able to fluently present cohesive stories verbally on the spot (like me).
In any case I think you are most likely to be listened to/believed by a therapist specializing in transgender issues rather than one versed in autism, as the latter is very likely to be ignorant about transgenderism. Is finding a gender specialist feasible for you? (Or those were one of the ones you tried already? Sadly it can be difficult to find the right therapist but I'm sure you'll find one that "clicks" for you at some point, don't give up)

Wishing you the best of luck

Tufted Titmouse
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30 Apr 2014, 12:32 am

:D Thanks!


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30 Apr 2014, 7:39 am

When I first went for a diagnosis, I spent about thirty minutes speaking to a junior psychologist at a hospital. I told her I am "transgendered", since I thought that was the proper term. I did not know I had autism. After about thirty minutes a male supervisor psychiatrist came in, spoke with me, and stated that I have autism.

He conferred with the junior doctor about what I had told her, and he asked me what "transgendered" means. I tried to explain, but he cut me off, and loudly stated, "People Are Born Male or Female!".

At that point one of my arms started shaking uncontrollably, because I felt he was invalidating who I am. I think it was my left arm. He said, "I am not going to hurt you". He asked me if I wanted to be committed to the hospital right now. I said, "No".

I don't how he diagnosed me since I never saw the paperwork. He told me verbally that I have autism, and "delusional thoughts". He prescribed me Resperdal.

I believe he also diagnosed me with "schizo-affective disorder", because later, an autism specialist at another hospital, told me that this supervisor psychiatrist was wrong about me having "schizo-affective disorder". The autism specialist diagnosed me as having Asperger Syndrome.

The supervisor psychiatrist warned me that Resperdal can cause "tardive dyskinesia" which is permanent involuntary body movement. Also, Resperdal was very expensive.

My employer did not like me getting Resperdal because it was like $840/bottle in 2003, and my boss played a phone recording of someone from our insurance company loudly saying into the phone, "WHO THE F**K IS XXXXXXX ?". Where XXXXXXX is my name. Also, the insurance company probably did not like that the doctors two more times tried to have committed for observation.

Despite all that, I eagerly tried Resperdal. I wanted to get better. I was so excited at the pharmacy when I was getting the Resperdal. However, Resperdal made my brain feel strange, and I wanted to lay down because of that feeling.

Resperdal did not work for me. When I told them that Resperdal did not seem to be helping, they switched me to Zyprexa which was even worse.

After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.


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04 May 2014, 10:42 pm

Are you talking about Resperdal or Risperidal? I haven't taken the first one, so if it's that I can't help you there. But if it's Risperidal, I must tell you, I HATE THAT PILL

It made me gain 70lbs
It drastically lowered my sex drive (even though I'm hypersexual, this is a BAD thing, because I still have the emotional/psychological need to masturbate every day to relieve stress)
It made me tired
It made me angry, even though it was supposed to be helping with that.
But, worst of all, it made me LACTATE

THAT was the last straw for my family. I think they were sick of hearing me rant about lactation (keep in mind, I am NOT a girl, in spite of my physical sex...I'm sure you guys understand this). I will never, EVER take that medicine again, even if the fate of the Universe depends on it.

Sorry, Universe.


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04 May 2014, 10:50 pm

I think doctors tend to use anti-psychotics as generic "anti-crazy" pills. IOW, if the patient says something that's wierd to you then give 'em them the anti-crazy pills. It's maybe ironic that doctors are no more aware of the width of the human condition than the general public, and yet they get to medicate because they're educated and not supposed to make such errors.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 May 2014, 10:41 pm

I feel very tired to see psychiatrist. They are never good advice to me.

Actually i prefer to see a regular doctor.