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28 Apr 2014, 2:35 am

When I am sober, I am asexual. I feel no attraction to anyone, and no desire to pursue any type of relationship with women, men, or other. The thing is, I do cocaine and when I'm on it, I want to hook up with other men. I enjoy it. But, as soon as I am once again sober these feelings disappear. I'm not disgusted with them, nor do I feel guilty about having them. I just don't want to be with anyone when I'm not under the influence of drugs. Does anyone else get these feelings? And if so, what do you do about them?

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28 Apr 2014, 3:36 am

Hmm I have not quite experienced that, but depending on how a drug effects an individual it can change perceptions and sometimes open the mind to things you might not typically I can see how that could happen. One of my favorite bands has a straight singer but he's made out with his keyboardist and that sort of thing while drinking but they aren't actually gay or anything people have assumed that though. As for what to do about it, not really my opinion if you wanted some sexual experience you could go for it, but make sure the other person knows you aren't planning to actaully start a relationship or anything and are just doing it for enjoyment...lots of people have mutual one night stands where both parties agree that is all it is at least I would think they do.

That particular drug effects me by making me feel excessively calm and being unable to sleep....I did enjoy it but in my opinion it gets more hype than it deserves but maybe it effects other people differently.

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28 Apr 2014, 4:43 am

I would imagine you are having a similar experience to consuming alcohol. When our brains are slightly intoxicated we let our inhibitions go and do things that in our usual sober daily lives we wouldn't otherwise do.
You could be behaving in this way because of suppressed feelings for other men or you could be doing it because you like the feelings of doing something you wouldn't normally do.
I wouldn't worry about it so long as no one is being hurt in the situation. Just look after yourself and be safe because you may take risks with your health or with people you do not know.

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07 May 2014, 4:19 pm

Can kinda relate to this.

Although I'm typically more gay, I get markedly more straight while drunk :P


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07 Jun 2014, 2:27 am

I haven't tried anything other than weed and alcohol so I can't speak from experience, only second-hand knowledge. I don't think it's a "suppression" thing - it's kind of a tired topic to to bring that up in the context of asexuality. Like, drugs don't necessarily act as if they're lifting a veil off our hidden desires, they sometimes activate systems or paths of the brain that we would normally never follow or could never follow while sober.

I'm also asexual and every time I ever kissed/slept with a woman in the past (I'm FTM), I was pretty drunk - but it was more out of curiosity / "eh what the hell" and I didn't get any pleasure out of it. I consider myself capable of being attracted to women but have no desire to do anything sexual while sober, and considering that being drunk didn't help, I probably won't try it again. At least, not with alcohol...? If it's enjoyable, and if you are totally okay with it, go for it.


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13 Jun 2014, 4:35 pm

I've heard a LOT of bad things about cocaine... I don't know why you're taking that risk. I wouldn't.

As to why you want to have sex when you're high... well, hypersexuality is a feature of some mental illnesses, including the mania in bipolar disorder; and cocaine is a stimulant. Maybe it's pushing you into a sort of manic state, where you want sex much more than you normally do (i.e., more than not at all)?

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15 Jun 2014, 6:47 pm

Do you have a "normal" libido when you're not on drugs? Differently put, are you just not interested in sex and relationships with other people, or do you have no sex drive at all unless you use cocaine? If it's the latter, it might be that you have very low dopamine levels or a reduced number of dopamine receptors. Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters and hormones that controls the human sex drive, and cocaine greatly increases its levels in the brain. (As do ADHD medications, dopaminergic antidepressants such as amineptine or bupropion, or foods that are high in L-tyrosine, a dopamine precursor that is also sold over the counter as a dietary supplement).

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28 Jun 2014, 5:06 am

to me sounds like your hyper rational.

when sober you suppress your more base aspects and since there is no particularly intellectual impetus to get jiggy its not something that has much interest for you.

when you get drunk, those higher mental attributes are suppressed and your lower emotive states come out to play. you stop over intellectualising and you let nature and hormones kick in and have an effect.

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02 Jul 2014, 7:06 am

Like the idea that some guys can be persuaded with some stimulants!

I can only go out to bars and face a crowd when i drink alcohol (no matter what society says: it's also a drug and just as dangerous as other drugs)

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02 Jul 2014, 11:33 pm

Drugs that release dopamine do tend to promote horniness. It's even a known side-effect of anti-Parkinson's drugs. So, maybe you just have a low libido and the coke is jump-starting it.

Sort of interestingly, drugs like that can increase compulsive behavior of any kind, like compulsive gambling or shopping. I heard a supposed junkie say once never to shoot cocaine, because it becomes so compulsive that you only stop when you run out (and your arm looks like a pincushion).


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08 Jul 2014, 10:41 pm

hire a hooker and have sex while doing coke ;)


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12 Jul 2014, 12:54 am

Stop being a s**thead drug addict, then you won't have the problem.