Pietus wrote:
Okay, so in a nutshell, I don't know how to act now. Recently figured out I'm most likely bisexual, but should this change any way I act? If and when I tell my friends and such, should I begin commenting on cute guys I see?
Also, how am I to actually meet other gay/bi people, short of straight out asking, how would I know if they are also gay/bi?
It should only change the way you act if you haven't been acting like yourself. If you've been yourself, however you are, then why should you change any?
If you decide to be "out," then you might change some by saying things that indicate you're attracted to some guys, but otherwise nothing much should change unless you've been suppressing who you really are and want/need to change how you act.
Up to you whether you comment on guys or not. Also make sure to know your audience.. i.e. make sure your friends aren't going to freak out if you are transparent about things like that. If they're actually your friends they shouldn't be bothered by comments like that should you choose to make them.
The internet is your friend. Post personal ads/join dating websites/use phone apps to meet other like minded/sexed people. Takes all the guess work out of randomly meeting people in public when your an email each other and see if you're a potential match before meeting.

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.