hi, thanks for the comments
gracias Saxen
lemon wrote:
i like "letter" and the next one ,
funny how the boys arm is growing when he flushes (is that the correct word?) the toilet,

it seems you have to do a lot of this drawing from photographs, is there a special theory behind it? looks like it is very timeabsorbing!
nice work!
haha, yes, the kid has a long arm, if it was "normal" the boy stood very close to the toilet, so well, took some "creative liberties"
Yes, in many of these a picture was used as a reference, because it gives you an immediate feedback about how good/bad you are going. Using a picture you can see details, focus in small things, see how close are you sticking to proportions, sizes, shadows, etc. And yes, sometimes it's very time absorbing, just in De Niro's hair I think I spent about three or four hours
deedee Really, try doing it,
I think I'll graduate and be 31 years old
And this will surprise you: My mother just finished her career last year! She didn't had many studies, so she did college and all that just a few years ago, and last year she finally graduated from university
I think that starting "late" is better in the sense that one is more mature, and has had more experiences in life. And if one really wants to do it, will be much more interested about doing things well, and won't be trying to get a good grade to please your mother or father, but you.
I have it in my signature: Kandinsky started painting in his thirties, he had a career in accounting (or laws), it's never late to start doing something.
There is also a famous writer who started writing, In his forties!, forgot the name, very famous.
Join a paint club in your town, take a class, or learn by your own; or ask here, me and other people will gladly help
One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.