What is my gender?
Agendered and Neutrois are terms for one without a gender, could probably find a lot of information by just googleing.
I know exactly who I am. It is other people, "the world", who do not know who I am. My body is strongly gendered, but my mind has no gender.
Sorry for the misinterpretation on my part. 'Gender' usually is referring to someones brain and 'sex' is referring to someones body. So you can easily say your gender is not male or that you don't identify as male and be telling the truth. You could also say you are transgender or trans since agender falls under the trans umbrella. Presentation tends to be a big thing for NTs so dressing the part is important with them I've found. I have no idea how to present agendered though.
Are you trying to hang out with radical feminists or something? The more extreme rad-fems don't even accept fully transitioned transwomen so you're not going to be able to get anywhere with them if they are the extreme ones. However most "man-haters" I know don't hate men, they don't like the patriarchal system they live under and the men (and women) who support it. They lighten-up towards individual men once they get to know them, just takes time.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 26 Jan 2007
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An example of what I mean by "man haters" happened when I tried to become friends with Angela. She was young and vulnerable, and the people around me tried to keep me and Angela apart because they assumed that the only reason I was trying to befriend her was because I wanted to take sexual advantage of her. Denying it was no use; my body "spoke" louder than my voice. They would not believe me because I had the body of a man. If I had the body of a woman, those people would have liked me befriending Angela.
In Angela's case there were unusual fortunate breaks, and I was able to befriend her, although it took more than a year. People who did not know that I was a stranger who saw me with her thought I was a wonderful friend. Yes, of course they lighten up once they get to know me, but no one knows me, and I am judged by my male body wherever I go. (Angela died several years ago.)
The purpose of this thread is about the appropriateness of me claiming that I am NOT a man. My male body has always been extremely detrimental to my ability to make friends. If a female does not want me for sex, she does not give me a chance, and she misses out on a good friend. On the other hand, if a female does want me for sex, I get rejected when she finds no sex in me. Either way, we both lose, all because of my male body.
An example of what I mean by "man haters" happened when I tried to become friends with Angela. She was young and vulnerable, and the people around me tried to keep me and Angela apart because they assumed that the only reason I was trying to befriend her was because I wanted to take sexual advantage of her. Denying it was no use; my body "spoke" louder than my voice. They would not believe me because I had the body of a man. If I had the body of a woman, those people would have liked me befriending Angela.
In Angela's case there were unusual fortunate breaks, and I was able to befriend her, although it took more than a year. People who did not know that I was a stranger who saw me with her thought I was a wonderful friend. Yes, of course they lighten up once they get to know me, but no one knows me, and I am judged by my male body wherever I go. (Angela died several years ago.)
The purpose of this thread is about the appropriateness of me claiming that I am NOT a man. My male body has always been extremely detrimental to my ability to make friends. If a female does not want me for sex, she does not give me a chance, and she misses out on a good friend. On the other hand, if a female does want me for sex, I get rejected when she finds no sex in me. Either way, we both lose, all because of my male body.
Trust is something that should be earned so I don't see why you're complaining about people being weary of you at first.
Why are you putting so much emphasis on the social disadvantages of being seen as male? If you're not male you're not male. Of course it's fine to explain that you're not male if you don't identify that way.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 26 Jan 2007
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Trust is something that should be earned so I don't see why you're complaining about people being weary of you at first.
Why are you putting so much emphasis on the social disadvantages of being seen as male? If you're not male you're not male. Of course it's fine to explain that you're not male if you don't identify that way.
There is a big difference between how much opportunity a woman has to earn trust, and how much a man has. Being in a man's body, I don't get the chance to earn trust. There must be some trust first before more trust can be earned. A woman is much easier to get a chance to earn trust than a man is, and people very much do judge me more by what my body looks like than what I say I am.
Trust is something that should be earned so I don't see why you're complaining about people being weary of you at first.
Why are you putting so much emphasis on the social disadvantages of being seen as male? If you're not male you're not male. Of course it's fine to explain that you're not male if you don't identify that way.
There is a big difference between how much opportunity a woman has to earn trust, and how much a man has. Being in a man's body, I don't get the chance to earn trust. There must be some trust first before more trust can be earned. A woman is much easier to get a chance to earn trust than a man is, and people very much do judge me more by what my body looks like than what I say I am.
Change your appearance if you hate being viewed in a "man's body"[sic]. If you dress really "gay", feminine, androgynous, etc, you would be viewed different by women and be easier to interact with them because they would assume you where gay and have no sexual interest with them. If you would go on a hormone blocker and maybe estrogen you would not be giving off "guy smell" which passively makes women more defensive. Your facial and body features would soften as well. If you want women to view you differently you must change the view they see. You can complain about it all you want but unless you do something nothing will change.
Honestly with how often you keep bring up how "women" hate your "male body" I'm starting to think you are projecting your own hatred towards your body onto women. Which honestly I did myself for awhile. Once again I suggest you find a therapist.
Trust is something that should be earned so I don't see why you're complaining about people being weary of you at first.
Why are you putting so much emphasis on the social disadvantages of being seen as male? If you're not male you're not male. Of course it's fine to explain that you're not male if you don't identify that way.
There is a big difference between how much opportunity a woman has to earn trust, and how much a man has. Being in a man's body, I don't get the chance to earn trust. There must be some trust first before more trust can be earned. A woman is much easier to get a chance to earn trust than a man is, and people very much do judge me more by what my body looks like than what I say I am.
But people don't take advantage of you as much. There's a big target on the backs of Aspie women.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 26 Jan 2007
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I have therapists. They do no good. They do not understand me at all.
My gender personality is neutral, not gay. I cannot put on a false act, and I would not seem gay. I am physically too masculine to pass as female, and I do not take to fashion of any kind. I would look even more awkward than I do now. The only thing I can do is to claim that I am not a man in forums where people do not see me. But I could never say that I am a woman or have a female body, because I cannot lie.
It's not that women hate my body, they just trust it less than they do a female. They take what I would say the wrong way. And many things I would want to say would be taboo.
I am not projecting, because I learned about the discrimination the hard way.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 26 Jan 2007
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Posts: 74
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My gender personality is neutral, not gay. I cannot put on a false act, and I would not seem gay. I am physically too masculine to pass as female, and I do not take to fashion of any kind. I would look even more awkward than I do now. The only thing I can do is to claim that I am not a man in forums where people do not see me. But I could never say that I am a woman or have a female body, because I cannot lie.
It's not that women hate my body, they just trust it less than they do a female. They take what I would say the wrong way. And many things I would want to say would be taboo.
I am not projecting, because I learned about the discrimination the hard way.
You don't need to pass as female to change you're expression especially if you're agender. Just be more androgynous even if it makes you stand out. If you can't do that because of social pressure then what do you expect? If you move through the world as a male because it's safer/less awkward looking than you have nothing to complain about. That's a trade off you have to seriously consider making if you want people to perceive you as less masculine.
Even then you will almost never be gendered correctly because most people only recognize 2 genders. Agender doesn't even cross their minds.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 26 Jan 2007
Gender: Male
Posts: 74
Location: deep within my shell
My gender personality is neutral, not gay. I cannot put on a false act, and I would not seem gay. I am physically too masculine to pass as female, and I do not take to fashion of any kind. I would look even more awkward than I do now. The only thing I can do is to claim that I am not a man in forums where people do not see me. But I could never say that I am a woman or have a female body, because I cannot lie.
It's not that women hate my body, they just trust it less than they do a female. They take what I would say the wrong way. And many things I would want to say would be taboo.
I am not projecting, because I learned about the discrimination the hard way.
You don't need to pass as female to change you're expression especially if you're agender. Just be more androgynous even if it makes you stand out. If you can't do that because of social pressure then what do you expect? If you move through the world as a male because it's safer/less awkward looking than you have nothing to complain about. That's a trade off you have to seriously consider making if you want people to perceive you as less masculine.
Even then you will almost never be gendered correctly because most people only recognize 2 genders. Agender doesn't even cross their minds.
I dress minimally, just for comfort. I don't know how to change what I look like or how I act; that is automatic, and I could never hold an act very long. I don't even know what "be more androgynous" means (as far as what to do to accomplish it). It is difficult for me to buy any clothing; if it fits and is minimal, I wear it. I have no hairdo; I just cut my hair until it is not in my eyes or on my ears or neck for comfort reasons. I have no fashion of any kind. I cannot stand to wear much, such as a wig or even a hat. I do not "move through the world as a male" on purpose. I do not give in to any social pressure; I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. I do not at all feel that the way I look is safer or less awkward than if I looked androgynous. I envy androgynous looking men, although I envy real women more, and children even more than that.