I would no longer consider myself part of this world and my motivation to do anything, or to make of myself anything, would plummet to the floor.
The hope that I can get SRS someday keeps me grounded, keeps me focused, keeps me in reality working toward it. It keeps me barely attached to the world of human beings, to the consensual reality we all share, when for most of my life my tendency has been to detach from reality and fantasize excessively. A discovery that I could never get SRS would blow all that motivation away and things would lose their normal meaning, their reality. I would invent new meanings for things in the absence of the perception of real meaning and my world view would become highly distorted, maybe even psychotic. I would move onto a separate plane of subjectivity.
My grip on this world, on reality, is only by a thread and it would not take much to snap it.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin