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21 Jun 2014, 7:51 pm

Back in the early Star Trek episodes Captian Kirk kissed an african american and that was taboo for t.v. at the time. Now a days it's common place to see mixed races. In the case of lesbians the show Degrassi shows girls kissing/boys kissing and the Netflix show Orange is the New Black about girls in a prison is lesbian kissing and sex stuff. Based off a "true" story of some book that was written and this ladies experience. My personal family belief is EW! and God and religion and a man with a woman. But that's "family" My PERSONAL belief is it's going to get to the point where same sex couples are more normal just as there are mixed race couples there (I'd say within the next 10 yrs. if not sooner) be mixed race couples plus relationships with men with women as well as same sex couples.

My family views Orange is the New Black lesbian sex/kissing as EW! and NOT something kids should see even says Dexter is PG! Compared to that! WHAT?! IMO I rather them watch the future lesbain couples than be exposed to a serial killer.

Just as not all african american are drug types there are some GOOD people out there. I believe there are people in the LGBT community which don't make it a "see me event" either.

So what's your take on the future of the LGBT communities?

Please I AM NOT PUTTING ANYONE DOWN! I mean no offense to ANYONE just wanted your take on this area Thank You. I respect your relationship choices whatever they may be. Thank You Sorry If I offended ANYONE NOT MY INTENTION!


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21 Jun 2014, 8:34 pm

are same sex kisses being shown on over the air [free] network television?


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21 Jun 2014, 8:42 pm

Well no Degrassi is a premium Teen Nick channel but TEEN NICK showing something of that nature but Degrassi IS a Canadian show and of course Orange is the New Black is Netlflix which you pay $8 a month for (at least in the U.S.) So NO but give it time I'm sure it'll pop up on regular tv outside of premium channels or primetime adult drama shows. To my family lesbian kissing etc. is worse than CSI BONES even Dexter to which I 100% DISAGREE!! !! ! AGAIN NO OFFENSE just my families views is all. :-)


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21 Jun 2014, 8:52 pm

If by "normal" you mean being more widely accepted and depicted more frequently in the media, then yes.

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21 Jun 2014, 10:00 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
If by "normal" you mean being more widely accepted and depicted more frequently in the media, then yes.

Yes more widely accepted is what I was looking for sorry for any offense. What I mean by "normal" is unless you are grandpa 60's age old timey person Darn those Black people with white people how dare they (idea) YOU KNOW the type! But now that is ok of sort or normal and not looked down upon as much and neither are blacks overall. The same idea can be applied to LGBT community. :-)

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22 Jun 2014, 2:46 am

I have no idea what you mean by a 'see me event' at all.

And, if by LGBT you mean, LG, sometimes b, and by more normal you mean shown on American TV more, then sure. But there's still massive problems with representation of bisexual people, and colossal problems with representation of trans people. Trans people (specifically trans women) are still murdered at a massively increased rate to the rest of the population, so, overall. LGBT mental health is still significantly worse than the the heterosexual and cisgender population. Bisexual mental health is still significantly worse than LG mental health. I would say we have pretty far to go.


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22 Jun 2014, 10:05 pm

Yup. The LG part is. Bi-phobia and Trans-phobia are still widely pravalent and haven't made the inroads that Lesbian and Gay acceptance have.


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23 Jun 2014, 1:36 am

LG already is pretty normal, B kinda normal, and T left out in the dust.

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25 Jun 2014, 2:06 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
If by "normal" you mean being more widely accepted and depicted more frequently in the media, then yes.


But also more widely accepted in real life, too.

IMO it's accelerating and soon enough it'll be just as normal to see same sex couples together as it is to see any other couples together.

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25 Jun 2014, 10:12 pm

It may have improved, and is more okay to talk about in some places and medias, and some laws have improved.

Some places are still ignorant of other sexualities or personalities. Bathrooms are still a big issue for me, I often get mistaken for the wrong sex and people flip out and call security and such. I still often get stares, and called 'fag' or other insults and threats sometimes.


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25 Jun 2014, 10:50 pm

zeldapsychology wrote:
Well no Degrassi is a premium Teen Nick channel but TEEN NICK showing something of that nature but Degrassi IS a Canadian show and of course Orange is the New Black is Netlflix which you pay $8 a month for (at least in the U.S.) So NO but give it time I'm sure it'll pop up on regular tv outside of premium channels or primetime adult drama shows. To my family lesbian kissing etc. is worse than CSI BONES even Dexter to which I 100% DISAGREE!! !! ! AGAIN NO OFFENSE just my families views is all. :-)

Degrassi is shown on OTA channels here, but there's no real difference between how cable/satellite channels and OTA channels are regulated here. That said, I've noticed that the premium channels here, like Movie Central, tend to show more risque content during the daytime than "normal" channels or OTA.


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27 Jun 2014, 1:26 am

stabilator wrote:
It may have improved, and is more okay to talk about in some places and medias, and some laws have improved.

Some places are still ignorant of other sexualities or personalities. Bathrooms are still a big issue for me, I often get mistaken for the wrong sex and people flip out and call security and such. I still often get stares, and called 'fag' or other insults and threats sometimes.

Some people who are quite obviously gay (not me) may still get some stares from others around here, hell, I stare at some of the more flamboyant types sometimes. But it's quite rare for their to be serious homophobic slurs, especially in the city. We have the highest gay population in Canada, and a gay district. It's a very comfortable atmosphere for gay people.

My point.. if you live in some backwoods hick town where it's a daily burden just being gay, move. Move to a big coastal city and enjoy life.

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28 Jun 2014, 5:16 pm

I'd say being LGB is much more accepted and shown in the media with (almost) no problem. Trans is much more difficult sadly. For example even on WP there is no "other" option besides male and female when asked gender on profiles. smh :(

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14 Aug 2014, 6:50 pm

zeldapsychology wrote:
Back in the early Star Trek episodes Captian Kirk kissed an african american and that was taboo for t.v. at the time. Now a days it's common place to see mixed races. In the case of lesbians the show Degrassi shows girls kissing/boys kissing and the Netflix show Orange is the New Black about girls in a prison is lesbian kissing and sex stuff. Based off a "true" story of some book that was written and this ladies experience. My personal family belief is EW! and God and religion and a man with a woman. But that's "family" My PERSONAL belief is it's going to get to the point where same sex couples are more normal just as there are mixed race couples there (I'd say within the next 10 yrs. if not sooner) be mixed race couples plus relationships with men with women as well as same sex couples.

My family views Orange is the New Black lesbian sex/kissing as EW! and NOT something kids should see even says Dexter is PG! Compared to that! WHAT?! IMO I rather them watch the future lesbain couples than be exposed to a serial killer.

Just as not all african american are drug types there are some GOOD people out there. I believe there are people in the LGBT community which don't make it a "see me event" either.

So what's your take on the future of the LGBT communities?

Please I AM NOT PUTTING ANYONE DOWN! I mean no offense to ANYONE just wanted your take on this area Thank You. I respect your relationship choices whatever they may be. Thank You Sorry If I offended ANYONE NOT MY INTENTION!

I would think that there is more tolerance and acceptance for the LGBT community today and thus more and more people may be open about their sexual preferences.


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16 Aug 2014, 1:27 am

I think it's becoming the norm in certain places for certain people, but it's difficult for a lot of people to come out. And being trans*, for example, is a whole different bag.


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16 Aug 2014, 3:46 pm

FabulousAspie wrote:
I'd say being LGB is much more accepted and shown in the media with (almost) no problem. Trans is much more difficult sadly. For example even on WP there is no "other" option besides male and female when asked gender on profiles. smh :(

When you make a new google account and it asks for your gender you can choose male, female, and there is also an 'other' option. I think that more sites should have that.

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