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Joined: 10 May 2005
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05 Dec 2014, 9:49 pm

Here's a bit of criminal harassment by an out trans woman of Gallus Mag:

trans woman ("oopster" or "Sarah Davis"):

I’ve not seen it yet, but how many are now attacking Bill Cosby for the alleged rapes being reported about him, are you ignoring all the work and love that Bill Cosby has given us all over the years?

I’m not saying that making fun of people is as serious a situation as rape. I hope the allegation made against Bill Cosby are just that, but if they’re true that justice is done. What I attempted to do is take words of the above poster and put them in a context that you would understand better or see from another point of view.

Gallus Mag:

You are an unspeakably disgusting man, “Sarah”.

oopster again, foot in mouth:

You either refuse to understand or you just dont get it.

Gallus Mag:

Truly despicable human being.

I want to make something very very clear, “Oopster”.

I would like you to never comment on my blog again. I would like you to cease attempting to interact with me in any way, or in any context, ever again. Without exception.

Under no circumstances should you submit comments to this blog again. Do not contact me under any circumstances. Ever. For the rest of your life. Failure to comply with this request will constitute harassment and abuse, as defined by the law.


Well actually it doesn’t constitute that.


Jeez, trans people.

"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin