ToShinTim wrote:
What's the difference between seeing the attractiveness in someone of the same gender, and being attracted to that same person? I, for example, find myself seeing the attractiveness in other men occasionally, but am certainly not homosexual myself. Not that I have anything against those who are, but still - what's the difference between the two?
That is the difference.. you've just explained it to yourself.
I'm gay, and I could tell you there are a lot of men I would describe as attractive men but I'm not sexually attracted to them at all. It's really pretty simple.
For me, it may be age or race or some other aesthetic reason why I have no sexual attraction to them - usually age. I could see an older fit good looking guy and tell you he was an attractive person, but I have no sexual attraction to guys older than myself. I simply find it to be a major turnoff. Others are the opposite with age, i.e. my friend who's in his 20's who's only sexually attracted to guys 40+ in age.
The difference is really kind of self explanatory...

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.