What am I?!
I am a teenage girl who recently had a male friend come out of the closet and is surrounded online by pansexual tumblr users.
Where to begin? I was attracted to women when I was very young, 10-13 years old, sexually. I had not had a real crush on a guy or girl in real life.
When I was older, I started to notice men. I had some kind of urge to be close to them, but I could not imagine being intimate with them, even uncomfortable. I experience this attraction less so for women, but I can imagine being intimate in them, though still uncomfortable.
For a long time, I experienced a strange sensation of attraction to women in my chest and men in my gut. I never wanted to do it with anyone, though, and never felt an urge to even really kiss them. But there were girls I wanted to impress, and one guy.
Lately, I've been getting a thrill out of everything lesbian and really admire openly lesbian figures. I have also met a grown woman online who I fantasize about dating. (I have taken precautions and do not plan on meeting her alone or anything like that.)
I also seem to have a "type" of girl I'm interested in, girly blondes, but not in men. I also can only see myself ending up with a woman. I only have had explicit dreams about women as well, though I've been attracted to a man in one dream.
I know I might be too young for this, but I at least want an idea of what I could identify as! Please give me feedback.

Joined: 25 Feb 2014
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Posts: 3,543
Location: Mostly in my head
My answer: You're a teenage girl.
Let yourself grow, evolve, and change as you're supposed to. Don't let anybody except the law tell you who to love and who not to love. As time passes, you may find out you're straight, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, or something else altogether. You may find out you don't fit in the gender-mold society has provided for you, or you may find out that you fit that mold perfectly. You're young. You have the rest of your life to sort all that out.
The thing to focus on early is a nice lucrative career so you don't have to depend on anybody else.

Joined: 25 Feb 2014
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Posts: 3,543
Location: Mostly in my head
A lot if you want to stay out of jail and you want your date to stay out of jail.
If you're 15, don't date a 21 year old. If you're 21, don't date a 15 year old. That's one example.
There's plenty more, but hopefully none that would apply to her. Maybe it's sad, but I'm used to using that phrasing.
I'm thinking that you'll be bisexual when you get a bit older.
Don't go to bed with someone you don't want to go to bed with--just because "your friends" are doing it.
As Betwixt stated, be careful until you turn 18 (in the US).
Make sure that no one dominates you within a relationship.

Joined: 14 Feb 2013
Age: 33
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Posts: 362
Location: Near one of the Great Lakes
You are you. Terms like "lesbian", "straight", "butch", etc. are words used to describe pieces of a person. They cannot capture the entirety of who you are. You may change over time and some terms may change to reflect your changes. But never let the terms define you. Stereotypes are practically begging for exceptions. Don't worry about what others think of you. Be you and the people who are worthwhile will accept that.
"You can't take the skies from me"
If you're a young (ooh, 13-15?) teenage girl, then you'll probably have to wait a few years before getting a clearer idea...?
The "Law" on many things is too black and white, in my personal opinion love and sexuality is changing and developing all the time, it's only the west that's so concerned with making it seem like only people over a certain age are mature enough and can fully consent, which isn't true in my opinion given that people are developing all the time, people can be treated with respect and not everyone who is older than a given person wants to abuse them. Some people actually care and love people "younger" than them and do find them more interesting and less horrible than people around them. I'm not saying that anyone before the age of puberty is a good idea, I'm not, however, pretending that people who have reached that age are not capable of making rational decisions (especially if they've had a good upbringing to include that) is plain inaccurate and unscientific imo, it's an emotional reaction based on the way we've been socialised.
Everyone develops at different rates and has different experiences, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that taking advantage of someone or having power over someone is ever a good thing (I'm a strict anarchist so I don't believe that should be so, /at all/.) but if a relationship is nurturing, educational, loving and respectful and the people in it are sexually mature and they're not demanding, abusive and take no for an answer with assurance that no matter what happens it won't change anything I don't see the problem, the law isn't always correct on many things, in my opinion, this is one of them, I think it's too much of a blanket solution to a "problem" that wouldn't exist if people were a little more thoughtful, considerate and respectful.
If people were brought up better then they would respect people no matter their age, that's the problem here. There are some people who are 70 that aren't ready to have sex and there are some people who are 13 who are ready to, yes, the law is a problem to such people (especially in America) but given that the law is man made it can easily be changed or ignored (again anarchist) based on one's own personal inclination and indeed many people do ignore the law on some issues, big and small. Hell, if laws worked, we wouldn't have prisons, no, the problem isn't there are "good" and "evil" people (there aren't imo since those terms come from religion and I'm an athiest) but that the whole structure of the human race is incorrect for how we should be living best, if you want to solve it, you have to have a holistic approach to solving it. This means looking at everything in society and seeing it as relative rather than absolute and being willing to smash down things if they no longer serve all people to live happy and healthy lives.
Just my two-pence.