Ultramarine wrote:
Hi - I like your painting and how it's developing...so it's acrylic and you are going to possibly paint in oil over it?
Does that work OK? I work in oils so I just always get a bit paranoid about mixing mediums. Oil may be OK over acrylic, but you can't paint over oil with acrylic is my understanding.
it's like you're saying, you can do oil over acrylics but not the other way around (or you could do it for the sake of experiment and end up with some strange texture perhaps)
i hope i can make it progress a little more but with the exams in the near future i think my hope is iddle (for the time being)
it's nice to see that people like this kind of approach, also strange to live this moments with others, especially when i'm not doing well (i don't dare to show that before it is going right again) but i'm confident it will all work out
sometimes moments like this (uncertainty about certain aspects of the painting) make me decide a rather radical change, i wanted to give her some little tubes in the beginning, but as she was i never did it, maybe this idea will take form anyway, or maybe not, don't know yet.