I don't really mind being male, because I honestly don't understand women that well, but I don't like how society pressures males to be all "tough" and "grown up" and masculine and all that BS. Really, if my physical appearance could better reflect what I'm like on the inside, I'd probably look more androgynous, or maybe even slightly feminine. Instead of looking like a "manly man" with a beard and stuff, I'd rather look like a waifish emo kid.
It's a weird thing, I find feminine characteristics to be appealing and aesthetically pleasing, yet I have trouble actually understanding females, mainly because I'm not one myself.
Now, I don't hate necessarily masculinity, and in fact one of my favorite actors is Clint Eastwood, easily one of the "manliest" guys EVER, but I find that I much prefer the old-fashioned "gentleman" brand of masculinity to the new "dudebro" brand of masculinity, if that makes any sense.
Where the heck am I going with this? I'm fine with being male, and I find women attractive, but I wish I were free to have a more androgynous appearance.