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01 Feb 2015, 11:43 am

For those who don't know what it is, polyamory is "the philosophy or state of being in love or romantically involved with more than one person at the same time", as opposed to monogamy. Note that it's not cheating, because in polyamory everyone consents. Also note that it's different than polysexual, which means attraction to a multitude of genders but doesn't imply many relationships.

I myself identify as polyamorous and pansexual (gender has no impact on who I like). I understand people preferring monogamy, as it's easier to keep track of one person and focus on them, but I'm annoyed at people who think healthy polyamory is inherently immoral. I see no point in directing my romantic affections at only one person, when I have enough love for many people.

How do you feel about polyamory? Would you ever consider it? Is anyone here poly?
Also, do you think your autism has any impact on your romantic preferences?

Snowy Owl
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01 Feb 2015, 12:23 pm

Hello, I too am polyamorous with two partners currently :). Also a pansexual, though I'm also demisexual and sapiosexual as well.

I know what you mean about the frustration with people who think it's inherently wrong, my family is very much like that with me about it.

I just have a real love for people and being forced into a relationship where I can only interact with one person in a loving/sexual manner just isn't for me.


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01 Feb 2015, 12:44 pm

It's curious the way most of society mixes the terms of "love" and "romance" and often confuses the two. I am not romantically (or sexually) close to anyone at present, but I do love several people who are non-relatives. I suspect most would not categorize me as poly, but it does (technically) fit the definition above.

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01 Feb 2015, 3:27 pm

fablebird wrote:
How do you feel about polyamory? Would you ever consider it?

I don't really have feelings about polyamory. I don't see anything wrong with it, though.

I would consider being in a non-monogamous relationship.

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04 Feb 2015, 1:31 pm

I'm poly and have been in a relationship in the past with multiple partners but I'm currently single. I think it was nice, I enjoyed it a lot.

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14 Feb 2015, 2:27 pm

I identify as poly. I've been in a relationship for 20 years with one person, and sadly the third in our triad just had to move across the county a few months ago. The three of us had been living together, in a serious relationship, for 4 years.

I think that, in many ways, three people was much easier and more stable than just two. There aren't any societal role-models or support, and so it requires a lot of open, honest communication. It was especially easier for the three of us because when one of the relationship-pieces came up that I am notoriously bad at because of my autism, like comforting someone after a bad day, there was another NT in the relationship to help. Also, when I needed some alone time, I wasn't leaving a partner lonely while taking care of myself.

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16 Feb 2015, 5:57 am

It is so hard finding people like you. Yes, I am polyamorous. I am also a 'love radicalist' in that I find marriage distasteful. I currently date a MtF transsexual and a cute girl, and my MtF is dating another girl who I'm not interested in. I want to have a huge family, and I usually feel most comfortable with four or five partners, but its difficult to keep them all, seeing as we meet on the internet, and real life usually prevents us from meeting, leading to us drifting apart. :(

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22 Feb 2015, 5:19 pm

brb getting cuckholded and losing my wii u. ;-;


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09 Mar 2015, 2:00 pm

I am a sixteen year old girl. I would love to be polyamorous! I want to expand my romantic experience and lessons. My ideal relationship is a threesome with a girl and a guy. Dunno who it'd be, though.

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15 Mar 2015, 5:41 pm

I hate to sound like some ancient snob, but I think polyamorous relationships are...unreal in a sort of fantasy way. As much as I'd love to be in an active relationship with more than one person, it would be incredibly difficult to do so whilst working full-time, actively studying, or anything else that restricts one's free time as much. Dating one person cuts pretty deeply into my social life. Dating two people would be nearly impossible unless I'd be living with the other person I'm dating (and I'd probably have to say goodbye to the thought of seeing my friends more frequently than once a month).

That's just time constraints. There's also the factor of finding two or more partners who would be cool with a polyamorous relationship. Perhaps it'd be doable if one has a lot of free time somehow...but, unfortunately, I think it's best that I forget about my dream to be in a sedoretu (weird bisexual 4-way marriage concept Ursula K. LeGuin used in a few stories).


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15 Mar 2015, 5:47 pm

i am an introvert. i prefer people one on one, so that spills over into romance. i don't see problems with other ways of doing things, though, as long as everyone involved is comfortable.

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18 Mar 2015, 10:22 pm

I'm poly but I wouldn't mind being in a monogamous relationship.
There happens to be a lot of stigma towards that (my family tolerates my homosexuality by *this* much). So i don't know how they'd react if I brought two bfs home... Don't rly want to think about it 8O


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19 Mar 2015, 8:57 am

For me polyamory implies more than sex.. it has an emotional connection that lasts. I am not capable of providing that sort of emotional connection to multiple people. I would be an awful partner for this sort of arrangement. That being said, I am not a fan of monogamy either... neither is my spouse. I certainly do not find polyamory immoral. From what I understand it can be a very satisfying thing for people. If you can do it, more power to you, I say.

In regards to my PDD impacting my preferences, I have no way to accurately gauge that. I have wondered before though if it does. I am pansexual, I have no problems with sex outside of a marriage so long as everyone knows whats up... I know I function in a way that society at large does not. Maybe it is my PDD, maybe it is me being me. Maybe it is all the same. I dunno.

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28 Mar 2015, 12:36 pm

I just had a big conversation about this in a different Aspie group. Basically, I have no problem with polyamory, but it is not for me. I'm gay, male, and in a long-term monogamous relationship with my partner. If people want to be in multiple romantic relationships and they are able to handle that, than that's great for them. But I put a lot of effort into my relationship. I don't have enough energy or attention to give to more than one person.
I probably could have an open relationship with my partner, but that is not polyamory, is it? Polyamory is being romantic or emotionally intimate with more than one person; an open relationship is being emotionally intimate with only one person but engaging in sexual activity other people without emotional involvement. I could be ok with that, and I think I could tolerate my partner being sexual with other people as long as there wasn't emotional attachment between them. But polyamory is not for me. My partner is my safe haven; frankly, I would be too jealous to let anyone else into that space.

Leon Feingold just gave a great TedTalk about polyamory, and he is a fellow Aspie. if you are poly, you probably won't learn anything new from his talk, but it was interesting nonetheless.
You can find his presentation here:

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