a-ha. i am new here. so new in fact, i'm not even sure who i am yet.
i posted a link to some audio of mine at the "new person" board, but this is obviously the proper place for it.
the subject line here is debatable. but, if interested, and if you would, here are some clips of me being me in my me way:
back to back & belly dancing
it will play automatically, on option #3.
i don't find these to be "fun" or "entertaining." it sort of grates on my nerves to hear my ideas in an audible form. my feeling is that these are Asperger dispatches. i'm wondering if people familiar with AS hear that.
if anyone takes the time to brave thru these audio clips:
"back to back" is like a machinegun. loud. i'm sorry.
......then there is a comedy clip between, done by other people...
"belly dancing" is an unfolding map to nowhere, which may be where it's at.