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Blue Jay
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17 Nov 2012, 11:18 pm

Hey fellow aspies, I know that a sometimes gay people are raised with a christian background. and sometimes gay people even stay christian. To me this seems like a logical dilemma. I am curious to know how gay christians reconcile these two parts of themselves. Do they just ignore this, or is there a solution for creating harmony between being gay and being religious.


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17 Nov 2012, 11:33 pm

there are pro-gay christian communities. quakers have long embraced gays. a catholic movement called "we are church" supports gays. the episcopal and presbyterian churches in america ordain gay ministers. not all christians are backward


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17 Nov 2012, 11:53 pm

I know several gay people that attend regular Christian churches and are completely accepted. Most go to Anglican or United churches (of the people I know). In the city, there is even a regular Roman Catholic Church that has a sign inside that reads something like, "All are welcome here: black or white, male or female, gay or straight."

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Blue Jay
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18 Nov 2012, 3:32 am

I had no idea that there were pro gay christian groups. My town is full of really conservative christians who don't like gays at all. That is where my initial confusion came from


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18 Nov 2012, 7:04 pm

frostbite wrote:
I had no idea that there were pro gay christian groups. My town is full of really conservative christians who don't like gays at all. That is where my initial confusion came from

Yeah, well, quite. Way I heard it there was this guy who told people they should love God and be excellent to each other and, y'know, not be such dorks all the time - but it often seems to me like most Christians in the world don't agree with many of the things he said or did - especially all those SOCIALIST!! ! bits about helping others, chillin' with the poor and outcasts and giving your money away. :wink:

Mind you, I'm not sure where I stand on the "magically heal your catamite as a favour" lark. 8O

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20 Nov 2012, 1:15 pm

Firstly, let me say that, according to the Bible, God has chosen the predestinated, and he did not necessarily instruct them to proselytize, where they were unwanted.

I'm not here to force my beliefs on anyone, because I, for one, believe that would be impossible.

Unlike seeker-friendly liberals, I do believe there is such a thing as absolute truth, and that is knowable. Without this basic assumption, all discussion on the matter of faith is just futile and crazymaking.

I have borrowed from different, political parties and Christian schisms, as well as having my own, personal opinions. Nothing I say, no matter how offensive, should be used against anyone else.

Ambivalence wrote:
most Christians in the world don't agree with many of the things he said or did - especially all those SOCIALIST!! ! bits about helping others, chillin' with the poor and outcasts and giving your money away. :wink:

In the parable of the five talents (monetary units of measure) the head of household takes from the poor servant and gives to rich.

The wise brides do not redistribute their lamp oil to the foolish brides, left in outer darkness.

Ambivalence wrote:
Mind you, I'm not sure where I stand on the "magically heal your catamite as a favour" lark. 8O

You're implying that the centurion was a pederast but still deemed faithful.

Though the head of household might have legal right, he did not necessarily use it.

frostbite wrote:
To me this seems like a logical dilemma. I am curious to know how gay christians reconcile these two parts of themselves.

If your conscience disagrees with what I'm saying don't do it.

Romans 1 discusses how one of the signs of depravity is forgetting the use of the woman. To be frank, I don't see why that goes hand in hand with prostate stimulation.

As I study accounts of Sodom and Gomorrah, and translations of what homosexual offenses really were, they seem to be pagan rites, which consecrated participants to another god. And, money generated from cultic prostitution was even finding it's way into church coffers, so that specific rules had to be made against it.

In one figure of speech, apostasy is equated to prostitution or illicit sex. The church is said to be the bride of Christ, not her own – she was bought with a price. So, turning to another faith was comparable to sexual adultery.

In fact, the entire plan of salvation, in the Bible, and especially the doctrine of the secret rapture, is described in terms of a traditional, heterosexual marriage.

The sin of Sodom was that they went after strange (heteros, of a different order) flesh. As you may recall, they descended upon Lot's house, in an attempt to rape angels.

We are in a battle of definition, but what if we call things exactly what they are. What if you do certain things, and feel certain ways, but are still a biological guy or girl. I don't personally see why discreet behavior necessarily interferes with whole idea of basic sex roles, provided that it's not confrontational. But, I am skeptical of how far you could really cater to your extra curricular activities, and still do your part as a man.

And, even assuming you have the god given right to pursue kink and paraphilia, to the exclusion of all else, is church really the place for flamboyant cruising and intrigues. There was a lot of this going on in one of my socalled conservative churches, until it subverted all hope of fellowship.


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23 Nov 2012, 2:47 am

It's pretty simple to me. I have no problem whatsoever rectifying Christianity and homosexuality. The real Christ was supremely forgiving of man's natural faults and tendencies (if you even want to consider being gay a fault). He died for us because we are imperfect. On many levels, organizational Christianity has been a poor representive of the true Christ. If God made you gay or bisexual, then be gay or bisexual. It makes little sense to reject your true nature in the pursuit of the approval of your fellow imperfect beings.

Tufted Titmouse
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24 Nov 2012, 8:53 am

Well, first of all the parts of the bible condemning homosexuality (mostly leviticus) was never aimed at the general populace, only at priests and priests-in-training.

Secondly, abomination didn't have quite the meaning back then as it has now, back then it only meant "unclean".

Thirdly, leviticus also states that women should be stoned for adultery, and children put to death for disobeying their parents. We're not interpreting that literally, are we?

Come to think of it, I don't think the bible condemns homosexuality at all, only anal sex (which, for the record, is most common among heterosexual couples aged 25-30).

Speaking of homosexuality and christianity, watch this film:


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26 Nov 2012, 5:31 pm

friedmacguffins wrote:
In the parable of the five talents (monetary units of measure) the head of household takes from the poor servant and gives to rich.

Is the parable of the sower about farming? Now is the parable of the talents about investing money?

It's about using your God-given tal... uh, gifts, skills, whatever*, to best effect instead of keeping them to yourself. If you can somehow make the world a better place, do it, don't sit on your arse. :wink:

You're implying that the centurion was a pederast but still deemed faithful.

The word 'servant' is at worst deliberately mistranslated and at best the ambiguity isn't mentioned. It bugs me. I don't know what to think about the story, though healing is a good thing and Jesus was a forgiving sort of chap.

still a biological guy or girl

"Biological guy" and "biological girl" can't be precisely defined - it's fascinatingly complex, there's loads of different genetic bits that express different stuff and they can all be turned on and off and broken in different ways.

*linguistics, comedy, apologetics...

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08 Dec 2012, 12:30 am

I have never seen any paradox or dilemma, not even when reading the parts regarding marriage and virginiy and the like. I have also never considered it wrong in the least, as any love being sinful in itself makes no sense to me.That leads me onto a new train of thought which I soon end for now. The church I go to had one sermon regarding this. They decided to revise their views as they believed it was the right thing to do and that they didn't see anything wrong with doing so. They also said that sometimesthe rules need to change incases where it is against the core beliefs. Like the non-resist rule because it is wrong to merely let people get away with bad things. It was changed so that people in the church could do the right thing and oppose the evils people do but not to so in a violent manner. (I think it makes sense because the church is important and it leads people towards God. The church wished to teach the things that follow God closest so they might teach people the faith best. In order to keep close to this they sometimes must revise but not throw away. I believe they did well in this revision.)
My post style isn't very good and doesn't flow right. I think a few "truly"s may have made it flow better :wink:


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10 Dec 2012, 3:33 am

There is a church, the Metropolitan Community Church, that was established FOR gays. United Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians and several more accept gays.

"More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion." - Harvey Milk


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10 Dec 2012, 12:51 pm

If your understanding of scripture begins from the proposition that you are as your creator made you, then that should lead you towards a place where one's faith and one's sexuality can be reconciled.



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24 Aug 2015, 12:51 am

i don't believe there would be too many autistics that oppose gay marriage, cause they know how much they've been denied their rights and told they aren't good enough


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25 Aug 2015, 6:02 am

Jesus hung out with 12 dudes drinking wine.. somehow I don't think he has a problem with gays.

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