Is it possible to be gay but do not enjoy...

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31 Aug 2015, 1:35 pm

Ok, this is probably a weird question, but let me explain.
For those who don't know I had a lot of conflicts regarding my sexuality in the last few months and since something like 2~3 months ago I started accepting myself and finally started to try dating guys.
The thing is, two weeks ago I had my first time having sex and even though it was good (in a general way), something started to bother me: I felt way too "weird" while doing oral on the guy that was with me. I was feeling seriously nauseated during the whole thing but I tried to keep going because it felt good when he was doing it on me. Don't get me wrong, it is not machism or anything like that because I actually WANTED to do it, but the whole experience were really bad for me while I was trying to do not let him notice how uncomfortable I was feeling.
On the following days I wasn't too worried about it because I thought I felt that way just because it was my first time or something like that, but it wasn't... The second time came and it was even worse, and worse to the point that after he fell asleep I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and try to get the weird sensation out of my mouth.
Now I'm worried because I'm afraid that at some point he will notice this and I will not know how to react.
So, can anyone tell me if this is actually a problem? Should I just keep trying and this weird sensation will eventually fade out? I'm not sure about what to do.
PS: Just to make sure I was clear, it wasn't specifically a bad taste or smell. It was a bad sensation in a general way.


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01 Sep 2015, 5:33 am

You mean you don't enjoy dicks in your mouth? Not all gay men are the same. There's nothing wrong with your not liking/enjoying giving oral sex. Each gay man has his own ways of enjoying sex. The only problem is that you may not be compatible with some men. If you love and want to be in a serious relationship with the guy you did that with, then you may need to talk to him about it.

I myself don't like oral or anal. That's just the way I am. I find men attractive but I don't want to do those things with them.

Or if you don't like dicks in general, then I don't know if you are gay.


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01 Sep 2015, 7:21 am

Well, I'm quite certain that I'm gay because I have no physical attraction whatsoever to a girls body but have for man.
This is very embarrassing to talk about so I think I'll just try to go ahead and see if this changes and, if it doesn't, then I'll try to talk to him.

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03 Sep 2015, 10:48 pm

Hey buddy, no need to feel embarrassed about talking about this at all. This is the right forum after all!

You may feel a bit strange giving oral the first few times especially if its a big one... they are nice but can make one feel like gagging because one's not used to it but nothing to worry about: if you find you don't get to enjoy it there are other ways to enjoy a physical encounter with him: sometimes even just a mutual hand job may be good, or you can just receive oral and not give if you find you don't enjoy it; and most guys are quite OK with whatever you're comfortable with.

I'm glad you've made so much progress since you first joined the forum!

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04 Sep 2015, 3:00 am

Basically, what everyone else said.

If it's a matter of physical discomfort/gag reflex, there are things you can do about that.

If it's more of a weird emotional sensation - could be because you're new to it all and haven't truly fully accepted yourself and that'll fade over time.. or it could be that you're simply not into giving oral sex to another guy. That's also entirely possible. Everyone's different. There are gay guys out there that are into giving oral sex but not into receiving it at all. etc. Anything is possible when it comes to what someone does/doesn't like sexually. Just keep having fun exploring what works and doesn't work for you - and of course, be safe about it.

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04 Sep 2015, 8:20 am

Thanks for the advices, it's a relieve to know that I'm not a freak if I do not enjoy doing it.
But I think that in fact it might be some kind of psychological discomfort so I'll try to go ahead to see if it fades over time (I've had situations before where I was too resistant to something new but ended up learning to enjoy it).


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04 Sep 2015, 9:36 am

I'll chime in with 30-odd years (some odder than others) of sexual experience here.

The things that I enjoyed doing as an adolescent, and the things that I enjoyed doing as young adult, and the things at I enjoy doing now are not all the same. Our sexual appetites change from year to year, from day to day, even from hour to hour. What you might enjoy thoroughly with one man, you might find rather bland with another.

The important thing is to communicate. Don't be afraid to tell a partner that you're new at this, and that you're still finding your way. Don't be afraid to say, "I'm not really enjoying that." And above all, don't continue to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Sex is not an obligation, and if you persevere in an activity because you feel obligated to do it, then you may be reinforcing a negative view of something that you might otherwise come to enjoy, in time.



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21 Sep 2015, 3:04 pm

I will not give or take oral sex and my spouse totally understands. Diversity is all about different preferences.

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