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18 Sep 2015, 3:25 pm

I know why people suddenly seem to think seeing same-sex couples out on a date or getting married is cute.

If you live among deer and see them every day, they're not so cute. Okay, the fawns but all other deer all look essentially the same. But if you see a deer maybe once a year, it could have its skin hanging off its belly and people would still be, "aww!"

And it's their way of saying. I'm glad society is becoming more used to seeing same-sex couples openly hand-holding or snogging.


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20 Sep 2015, 10:49 pm

It's not just "their" way. It's mine, too. Even as a gay man living in the suburbs of the city with the highest gay population in the country.. it's still cute to see gay couples together in public & makes me smile. As much as it's an accepted thing here, especially in the gay district, it's still something special vs. everyday commonplace hetero-norm stuff.

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21 Sep 2015, 6:04 am

very sorry for the generalization.

I do it too and I'm a level 4 bi man.


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21 Sep 2015, 2:57 pm

What I find more exciting is to see same sex couples holding hands while walking into a WalMart in a very redneck area of my city, or two dudes with their arms around each other at the counter of a MacDonald's ordering their lunch.

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10 Oct 2015, 8:22 am

I currently live in a very LGBT friendly area, but I still make a point to smile when I see gay couples being open in public, kind of as a nod of recognition/encouragement I guess. A good on you, keep it up gesture.

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10 Oct 2015, 8:32 am

I don't mind gay couples at all. I have many friends who are gay, my best friend in high school over 30 years ago was gay, my gay friends stay over at our house, we have stayed over at theirs.

Now, what I DO mind seeing is people smooching and kissing in public. I don't care if you are gay, straight or anything in between. And no, this is not a gay issue, again, it drives me insane to see people making out in public, I think what is private should remain private and if you want to make out, get a room.

PS I NEVER had an issue with any of my gay friend couples doing any such thing in my house at any party, etc. I did however have this happen with a straight couple in my house. They were never invited to my house again.


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10 Oct 2015, 8:45 am

Cute? Are they dressed as puppies, kitties, or anime characters?

One man's "cute" is another man's "meh..."


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10 Oct 2015, 6:07 pm

C2V wrote:
I currently live in a very LGBT friendly area, but I still make a point to smile when I see gay couples being open in public, kind of as a nod of recognition/encouragement I guess. A good on you, keep it up gesture.

Yep, I'm definitely like this, too - even in the gayest of gay areas of town. It's just... "nice" to see in the sense of people "being free" and open vs. concealing their love.

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10 Oct 2015, 6:20 pm

whatamess wrote:
I don't mind gay couples at all. I have many friends who are gay, my best friend in high school over 30 years ago was gay, my gay friends stay over at our house, we have stayed over at theirs.

Now, what I DO mind seeing is people smooching and kissing in public. I don't care if you are gay, straight or anything in between. And no, this is not a gay issue, again, it drives me insane to see people making out in public, I think what is private should remain private and if you want to make out, get a room.

PS I NEVER had an issue with any of my gay friend couples doing any such thing in my house at any party, etc. I did however have this happen with a straight couple in my house. They were never invited to my house again.

I'm more of a to each their own kind of guy. I'm not particularly fond of seeing excessive pda, but at the same time I don't really care, either. Heck, I've seen people having group sex in public.. while I declined an invitation to join in, it doesn't bother me that others opt to do this stuff.

As for making out at a house party.. that stuff happens, especially when alcohol is involved. I might think "jeez, get a room lol" but I'd never not invite people over again because they made out at a house party. Well, ok, assuming it was an adult party vs. a young child's Sunday afternoon birthday party or something.

I never would have been one for pda in the past, but now I kinda look forward to a day where I'm in a relationship and finding out what sorts of things I'm OK with in public, as well as perhaps pushing a few boundaries here and there - perhaps sharing a kiss, or even making out, just to be very Very out about the gay thing & not caring whatsoever what anyone else thinks about it. 8) It'd be especially comfortable at certain beaches and in the gay district, and I think there are still MANY areas of town where it would draw negative attention soooo it might be pushing my luck to do so and/or a dangerous stupid move, so maybe it'll always depend on location location location & the general vibe of the people there - sadly.

You're free to not like seeing pda all you want.. just remember that others are free to express themselves via pda all they want. Live and let live.

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10 Oct 2015, 6:25 pm

Fnord wrote:
Cute? Are they dressed as puppies, kitties, or anime characters?

One man's "cute" is another man's "meh..."

Cute is subjective. I find it far cuter to see when I actually think both the guys involved are cute. It's also cute when at least one of the two is. And cute when it's much older guys, being carefree in their old gayge. Not soooo cute when it's guys I find unattractive lol but still cute in the "aw, look, gay pda" sense.

But I also think it's cute to see young good looking hetero couples sharing a little pda moment on a park bench or down by the water etc - especially when they're very attractive (to me) people. It's just not quite the same as when it's a young gay couple, though, simply because being outwardly gay like that isn't quite "normal" yet.. even here where I work in a very very gay-ok city. It's just different. If you're not gay, you can't quite put yourself in a gay man's shoes and realize exactly why and how it's different and why it's nice/cute to see happen.

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14 Oct 2015, 5:01 am

FWIW, affectionate same sex couple sightings in non-gay areas near where I live are generally by pairs of lesbians in at least a 2 to 1 margin over males.

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