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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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20 Aug 2015, 11:19 am

I am very apprehensive about going anywhere near online dating, but to be honest I don't have much of an ide of how else to meet anyone.

The Uni I go to is quite small, so theres not a huge crowd there, and I can't do bars or clubs.

I need to talk to a person at least a little before I start to be attracted to them. This seems like maybe a good way...but is it just a little of my desperation, and should I just be patient?

(Also, I'm 18 and so far haven't been in a normal relationship, is this odd?)

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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23 Aug 2015, 10:44 pm

It's hard to jump straight into relationships. Much easier to start by finding a friend or two. That makes it much easier to go out and meet other people, as well.

I wouldn't worry too much about when you start having relationships. But do try to find some friends, because it gets much harder once you leave the Uni, and just being around people is immensely helpful in all aspects of life, and prepares you for the rigors of relationships :)


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25 Aug 2015, 6:10 am

It's been extremely easy for me to meet gay guys online first and then in person. It's pretty much the way its done these days. However, most are simply looking to hookup - not date. But some are, so you might find someone you click with. There are websites, phone apps etc.

18 & not in a relationship yet is normal for many NT heteros. It's very normal for an LGBT &/or Aspie person.

I'm almost 33 and have never been in a proper relationship. I've had many deep and meaningless ones.. :lol: but never a proper relationship. At this point I'm kinda over the hookup scene and leaning more towards dating when I meet the right guy. Eventually it'll happen.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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26 Aug 2015, 8:37 pm

I had tried online dating, and I found a boyfriend after all this time. Although I'm very satisfied with this relationship, looking online for dates before I met my boyfriend was either never or rarely meeting someone before and rejecting you after a few dates. So its a lot of trial and error and I always kept my wits so I don't get catfished or end up in a horror movie or get brutally raped prison style.


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04 Sep 2015, 4:23 am

I've been doing online dating for about a year. I was in one almost relationship thing before that with a girl I met in a class. I've gone on dates with 6 people that I've met online and haven't dated any of them but I would consider 2 of them to be friends now, so even if you don't find people to date that way, it's still nice to broaden your friend group. I've found okcupid to be the most useful online dating site because of their match percentage calculator, for the most part I like everyone that I'm over 90-ish % matched with as at least a friend.


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18 Oct 2015, 9:28 am

I've been curious about this as I've been talking to a woman who met her current boyfriend on an online dating site and they are very happy with each other. But also cautious about how you appear "on paper." Two other women were discussing this, one asking the other things like "does he have a stable job?" "Does he have a good enough income?" "What is his education?" One even implied her friend needed a man who could give her "the white picket fence." It all sounded more like screening for a job interview than looking for a relationship. I thought about what this girl might be missing in a man as a person, just because he didn't pass the grade with his job or how much money he makes or if he's lived at the same address for five years. On an online dating profile I assume. A lot of this posturing type "paper" self goes on. How does it all work?

Alexithymia - 147 points.


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18 Oct 2015, 9:28 pm

I've met everyone I've ever been in a relationship with from online first, then we would meet in person. Most of them I met through online forums though and not dating services.