Edenthiel wrote:
Congratulations, Pete1061. I'd like to say much more but it seems like thread-jacking.
Any chance of starting a, "Pete's Transition Thread"?
Any chance of starting a, "Pete's Transition Thread"?
Your Aspie score: 172 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 35 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Diagnosed in 2005
Yikes! i'd love to transition and come out to more people, but i am nonbinary and use they/them pronouns, nobody wouold really try to understand me :^/
~Pika Pikachu!
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 154 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 72 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)
Yikes! i'd love to transition and come out to more people, but i am nonbinary and use they/them pronouns, nobody wouold really try to understand me
Nonbinary here, too. And in case you're interested, transition for nonbinary/genderqueer people is, too, becoming easier. I actually had this discussion with another genderqueer person yesterday, about their status of non-transition on certain parts of their body and transition on others as a genderqueer person, on whether they had dysphoria all over with everything the way many binary transfolk (but by no means all) do or if it was localised to specific areas, physical and social, psychological, etc. That's another thing to keep in mind on the topic of non-transitioners - even some medically transitioning/transitioned transfolk whether binary or not have different perspectives on non-transition in different areas. Bottom surgery is a big one, for people born in both genders and trans. Many transwomen don't want "the snip" as they use the penis for sex just fine and don't feel dysphoric about it, but everything else may be medically transitioned - HRT, breast augmentation (or not for lucky ladies genetically big chested or those that prefer a slim bust) name changes, social changes, identity as women, etc. Same for many transmen - bottom surgery results aren't as good as for transwomen, its very expensive and often difficult to find, and many transmen still enjoy sex using their vagina for penetration and don't want to give that up.
Would these people qualify as "non transitioners" if they require transition in some ways and not others, or does the term apply to people who don't transition at all medically? What about socially - someone who does not need to medically transition but functions as the opposite gender socially/legally/whatever other way?
Dependent on where you are and what you need in a genderqueer sense, it is possible to transition what you need transitioned, not fix what ain't broken, and be legally and every other way nonbinary. And whether you come out or not, explain or not, be an advocate for educating others or not, people are going to interpret and try (or not) to understand you as they will, not as you dictate. Don't let that stop you from doing what you need to do.
To the thread hijack - congrats, hopefully you figure things out for yourself and I'm sure people here and at other places are more than happy to help you!

Alexithymia - 147 points.